First name
Surname | University | Department | Division |
Carl Johan Bergsten | GU | Academy of music and drama | GOArt - Göteborg Organ Art Center |
Keywords: kulturvårdsforskning, orgel, klavikord, musikinstrument, cultural heritage, organ, clavichord, music |
Nataliya Berbyuk Lindstrom | GU | Applied information technology | Informatics |
Keywords: Etiopien, cancer, kommunikation, migration, IT, mobil teknologi, Ethiopia, cancer, communication, migration, IT, mobile technology |
Frida Ivarsson | GU | Applied information technology | Informatics |
Keywords: digital transformation, digital platforms, digital ecosystems, organizational change, gender equality |
Rikard Lindgren | GU | Applied information technology | Informatics |
Keywords: Transportorganisationer, IT-system, miljöhantering, standardisering, Transport organizations, IT-systems, environmental management,
standardization |
Pär Meiling | GU | Applied information technology | Interaction design |
Keywords: Kartering, dokumentation, materialundersökning, nedbrytningsorsaker,
luftföroreningar, preventivt underhåll, varsamt underhåll, kulturvård,
hållbar utveckling, miljonprogrammet, Monitoring, documentation, material analysis, causes to deterioration, air
pollution, preventive maintenance, long-term maintenance, conservation,
sustainable development |
Karin Ekman | GU | Applied information technology | Learning, communication and IT |
Keywords: |
Marisa Ponti | GU | Applied information technology | Learning, communication and IT |
Keywords: citizens, citizen science, participation, digital technologies, smart cities, user-generated content |
Jens Forssén | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Applied Acoustics |
Keywords: |
Wolfgang Kropp | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Applied Acoustics |
Keywords: trafikbuller, däckvägbanebuller, ljudmiljö, ljudlandskap,vibrationer, traffic noise, tyre/road noise, soundscape, sound propagation outdoors,
noise control, vibration control |
Isabelle Doucet | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Architectual Thoery and Methods |
Keywords: |
Karl-Gunnar Olsson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Architectual Thoery and Methods |
Keywords: |
Liane Thuvander | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Architectual Thoery and Methods |
Keywords: byggnadsbestånd, hållbar utveckling, materialflöden, energiflöden, building stock, sustainable development, material flows, energy flows |
Paula Femenías | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Design |
Keywords: hållbart byggande, arkitektur, demonstrationsprojekt, lärande, kunskapsutbyte, utvärdering |
Krystyna Pietrzyk | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Design |
Keywords: Uthålliga byggnader och hållbar stadsutveckling, tillförlitlighetsanalys,
uteklimat, inomhusklimat, sustainable buildings and sustainable urban developement, reliablility
analysis, outdoor climate, interior climate |
Marie Strid | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Design |
Keywords: fysisk planering, rum och plats, entréprenörskap, spatial plannning, space and place, entrepreneurship |
Janneke van der Leer | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Design |
Keywords: |
Jan-Olof Dalenbäck | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Services Engineering |
Keywords: Solvärme, solvärmesystem, solfångare, solenergi, solceller, värmesystem, värmedistribution, värmepumpar, värmelager, värmebehov, kylsystem, kylmaskiner, kylbehov, elbehov, elanvändning, ventilationsbehov, ventilationssystem, inomhusklimat, luftkvalitet, termisk komfort, energi, building services engineering, solar heating systems |
Despoina Teli | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building services engineering |
Keywords: Indoor climate, thermal comfort, energy efficiency, sustainable urban development, energy performance of buildings, bioclimatic architecture |
Anders Trüschel | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building services engineering |
Keywords: |
Shea Hagy | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Technology |
Keywords: |
Alexander Hollberg | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Technology |
Keywords: Building, LCA, BIM, optimisation |
Pär Johansson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building Technology |
Keywords: byggnad, energieffektivisering, tilläggsisolering, superisolering, VIP, aerogel, fukt, värmelager, fasändringsmaterial, building, energy efficiency, insulation, super insulation, VIP, aerogel, moisture, thermal energy storage, phase change material |
Göran Lindahl | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Construction Management |
Keywords: - |
Lars O. Ericsson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Geology and Geotechnics |
Keywords: |
Andreas Lindhe | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Geology and Geotechnics |
Keywords: risk analysis, risk assessment, decision support, drinking water |
Jenny Norrman | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Geology and Geotechnics |
Keywords: |
Lars Rosén | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Geology and Geotechnics |
Keywords: |
Göran Sällfors | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Geology and Geotechnics |
Keywords: Barriärmaterial; täckskift; lera permeabilitet; packningsmetoder; |
Jiaming Wu | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Geology and Geotechnics |
Keywords: Connected and automated vehicles; Signalized intersections; Mobility-as-a-Service |
Martine Buser | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Strctural Engingeering |
Keywords: |
Robert Jockwer | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Strctural Engingeering |
Keywords: Timber, Wood, Connections, Joints, Reinforcement, Reliability, Eurocodes, Circularity, Adaptation, Robustness, Tall timber buildings, Timber Buildings, Timber Structures, Wood-based materials |
Meta Berghauser Pont | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: spatial analysis, urban density, network centrality |
Nils Björling | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: Urban Planning, Urban design, Urban rural conflicts, uneven geographic development, urban ecologies |
Emilio Brandao | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: Reality Studio, Social Inclusion, co-creation, participation, architecture, urban design, multiple stakeholders, Million Homes Programme, justice |
Lena Falkheden | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: Hållbar stadsutveckling, stadens ekologi, ekologisk design, stadsbyggnad, lokalområde,, Sustainable urban development, urban ecology, ecological design, urban design and planning, local area, visual ecology |
Julia Fredriksson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: urban planning and design, regional development, urban - rural, discourse theory, relational space |
Anders Hagson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: Trafikplanering, stadsplanering, miljökonsekvensanalys; dimensionering, utformning och gestaltning av trafiksystem. |
Anna-Johanna Klasander | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: |
Fabio Latino | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Urban Design and Planning |
Keywords: |
Mia Bondelind | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: |
Petra Bosch-Sijtsema | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: |
Divia Jiménez Encarnación | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: delningsekonomi, resurs, hushållskonsumtion, sharing economy, resources, household consumption |
Yuliya Kalmykova | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: |
Karin Karlfeldt Fedje | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: |
Jesper Knutsson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: |
Anna Norén | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: TBT, tennorganiska föreningar, muddermassor, stabilisering och solidifiering (S/S), sediment, TBT, organotins, dredged material, stabilisation and solidification (S/S), sediment |
Frank Persson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: marine, seaweed, algae, bacteria, antifouling, biofilm, community composition, chemical ecology |
Thomas Pettersson | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: dricksvatten, dricksvattenförsörjning, ledningsnät, distributionsnät, råvattenskydd, riskanalys, riskhantering
drinking water supply, pipe network, distribution network, raw water protection, risk analysis, risk management |
Sebastién Rauch | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: |
Ann-Margret Strömvall | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: monoterpener; haltbestämningar i luft; gaskromatografi; atmosfärkemi; kolväten i luft; fotooxidanter; |
Britt-Marie Wilén | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | Water Environment Technology |
Keywords: avloppsvattenrening, biologisk rening, processoptimering,
dricksvattenframställning, hållbar utveckling, geo and water engineering, wastewater treatment, biological treatment, process optimization, drinking
water production, sustainable development, geo and water engineering |
Lars Göran Bergqvist | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | |
Keywords: byggprojekt, rationellt samtal, språkbruk, handlingsmöjligheter, fundamentala begrepp, intersubjektivitet, projektsamtal, construction project, the rational dialogue, language use, possibilities of action, fundamental concepts, inter-subjectivity, project dialogues |
Malgorzata Zboinska | Chalmers | Architecture and Civil Engineering | |
Keywords: architectural design, renovation, preservation, restoration; biomaterials; 3D bioprinting; digital manufacturing; robotic fabrication |
Åslög Dahl | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: aerobiologi, bioaersoler, pollen, sporer, hälsoeffekter, fenologi, vindpollinerade växter, utomhusmiljö, inomhusmiljö, aerobiology, bioaerosols, pollen, spores, mould, health effects, phenology, wind-pollinated plants, outdoor air, indoor air |
Robert Daun | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: GAC, pollen, bioaërosoler, GAC, pollen, bioaërosols |
Geerte de Jong | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: |
Annemieke (=Annemarie) Gärdenäs | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: Biogeophysics, Biogeochemistry, Process-oriented modelling, Forestry, Agriculture, Carbon, Nitrogen, Radionuclides, Land-Climate interactions |
Håkan Pleijel | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: Ozon, ozonupptag, kritisk nivå, grödor, lavar, koldioxid, mikrometeorologi, kväve, bioindikation, dos-respons-samband, Ozone, ozone uptake, critical level, crops, lichens, carbon dioxide, micrometeorology, nitrogen, bioindication, dose-response relationship |
Dan Strömberg | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: Kvicksilver, atmosfär, fotokemi, kvantkemi, rökgaser, rökgasrening, förbränning, kväveoxider, lustgas, katalys., Mercury, atmosphere, photochemistry, quantum chemistry, flue gas, flue gas cleaning, combustion, nitrogen oxides, nitrous oxide, catalysis. |
Lasse Tarvainen | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: koldioxid, gran, fältkammare, ekofysiologi, gasutbyte, fotosyntes, respiration, tillväxt, mikroklimat, carbon dioxide, spruce, chamber measurements, ecophysiology, gas exchange, photosynthesis, respiration, growth, microclimate |
Johan Uddling | GU | Biological and environmental science | Botan |
Keywords: marknära ozon, ozon, vårtbjörk, björk, Betlua pendula, open-top chambers, gasutbyte, stomatakonduktans, fotosyntes, tillväxt, tropospheric ozone, ozone, birch, Betula pendula, open-top chambers, gas exchange, stomata conductance, photosynthesis, growth |
Pedro Inostroza | GU | Biological and environmental science | Ecotoxicology |
Keywords: ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, environmental genomics, environmental toxicology, mixture toxicity, DNA-based tools |
Cornelia Spetea Wiklund | GU | Biological and environmental science | Växt cell och molekylärbiologi |
Keywords: photosynthesis, fotosyntes
microalgae, mikroalger
biotechnology, bioteknologi
biomass, biomassa
biofuel, biobränsle
wastewater treatment with mikroalgae, vatten rening med mikroalger |
Marie Adamsson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: |
Thomas Appelqvist | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: Vedsvamp, ekologi, populationsstrukturer, granskog, artdiversitet, skoglig kontinuitet, spridning |
Åsa Arrhenius | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: blandningar, toxicitet, ekotoxikologi, mikroalger, blandningsmodeller, riskanalys, mixture toxicity, aquatic toxicology, toxicants, Pollution Induced Community Tolerance (PICT), microbenthic communities, algae, microcosm system, risk assessment |
Thomas Backhaus | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: läkemedel, statistik, modellering, kemiska blandningar, blandningar, ekotoxikologi, mixture, ecotoxicology, pharmaceuticals, nanoparticles, algae, aquatic toxicology, joint action, statistic, biometry |
Frida Book | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: |
Monica Börjesson-Bergström | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: miljörätt, environmental law |
Bethanie Carney Almroth | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: fisk, ekotoxicologi, miljögifter, oxidativ stress, åldrande, biomarkörer, läkemedel, mikroarray, fish, ecotoxicology, environmental pollution, oxidative stress, aging, biomarkers, pharmaceuticals, microarray |
Natàlia Corcoll Cornet | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: ecotoxicology, aquatic ecosystems, algae, microbial communities, molecular ecology |
Göran Dave | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: akvatisk toxikologi; ekotoxikologi; fisk; evertebrater; metaller; bekämpningsmedel; avloppsvatten; sediment; dagvatten, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology, fish, invertebrates, metals, pesticides,
wastewater, sediment |
Sam Dupont | GU | Biological and environmental science | Other |
Keywords: |
Susanne Eriksson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: decapod, Nephrops norvegicus, havskräfta, mangan, kalcium, koppar,
ömsning, metallackumulering, syrebrist, eutrofiering , biomarkör, juvenil,
larvodling, reproduktion, rekrytering, predator/byte interaktioner, decapod, Nephrops norvegicus, manganese, calcium, copper, moult,
metal accumulation, hypoxia, eutrophication, biomarker , juvenile, lobster
culture, breading,reproduction, recruitment, predator/prey interaction |
Lars Förlin | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: akvatisk miljö; marin miljö; toxikologi; zoofysiologi; fisk; avgiftningsenzym; steroidmetabolism; cytokrom P-460; monooxygenas; konjugeringsenzym; miljögifter; induktion; biomonitoring; |
Åke Granmo | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: ekotoxikologi; marin; industriutsläpp; evertebrater; biotillgänglighet; sediment; musslor; skogsindustri; klorerade substanser; bioackumulering; PAH; pesticider; |
Bengt Gunnarsson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: Urban ekologi - urban biodiversitet - naturens påverkan på människor |
Frank Götmark | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: faunavård; naturvård; fåglar; naturvårdsbiologi;biomassaproduktion,energi,bioenergi |
Kerstin Johannesson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: |
Jörgen Johnsson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: beteende ekologi evolution fysiologi fiskar laxfisk odling selektion miljö utsättningar transgen GMO tillväxt överlevnad aggression dominans predation riskbedömning konkurrens rymning, behaviour ecology evolution physiology fish salmonids farming selection environment release transgenic GMO growth survival aggression dominance predation risk-assessment competition escape |
Åke Larsson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: ekotoxikologi, biokemiska/fysiologiska effekter, miljögifter, industriutsläpp,
skogsindustri, metodutveckling, miljöövervakning, fisk, sjöar, Östersjön, Skagerrak,, ecotoxicology, biochemical/physiological effects, pollutants, industrial effluents, forest industry, method development, environmental monitoring, fish, lakes, Baltic Sea, Skagerack, |
Peter Lindberg | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: faunavård; pilgrimsfalk; miljögifter; äggskalsförtunning; populationsstudier; |
Ulf Molau | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: växtekologi, tundra, Aktis, ITEX, landskapsekologi, biodiversitet, Global Change, klimat, plant ecology, tundra, Arctic, ITEX, landscape ecology, biodiversity, Global Change, climate |
Per Nilsson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: mjukbottnar; bakterier; protozoer; meiofauna; närsaltanalyser;, Marine ecology, Integrated coastal zone management, Biodiversity, Mapping,
GIS, Monitoring, Fisheries |
Helen Nilsson Sköld | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: åldrande, reproduktionsstrategier, fisk, asexuell reproduktion, pigmentceller, telomerase, ageing, reproductive strategies, size selected fishery, fish, pigment cells, telomeras |
Mikael Olsson | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: undervisning; läromedelsproduktion; miljövård; miljöbibliotek; |
Henrik Pavia | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: |
Allison Perrigo | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: Biodiversity, biologisk mångfald, GGBC, Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre |
Susanne Pihl Baden | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: kräftdjur; ekofysiologi; biomarkörer; havsförorening;, coastal ecology, ecosystem services |
Rutger Rosenberg | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: marin ekologi; eutrofiering; bentos; algblomning; bentisk-pelagisk koppling; syretolerans; |
Bengt Silverin | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: |
Kristina Sundbäck | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: marina grundbottnar; bentos; sediment; mikrobiella mattor; stabilisering; eutrofiering; UV-B, mikrofytobentos; bakterier; meiofauna; primärproduktion; betning; kväve; fosfor; kisel; syre; Skagerrak; bottenfauna; algansamling; diatoméer, cyanobakterier, grönalger. |
Göran Wallin | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: luftföroreningar, ozon, kväveföreningar, koldioxid, gran, Picea abies, tall, Pinus silvestris, jordbruksgrödor, vete, exponeringssystem, fältkammare, odlingssytem, ekotoxikologi, växtfysiologi, ekofysiologi, växters gasutbyte, gasutbytesteknik, 14C-teknik, fotosyntes, kolomsättning, tillväxt, vattenhushållning, näringsomsättning, växters mikroklimat, upptag av föroreningar, deposition, |
Angela Wulff | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: |
Sten-Åke Wängberg | GU | Biological and environmental science | |
Keywords: arsenik, tungmetaller, bekämpningsmedel, mikroalger, ekotoxikologi, ekologisk modellering, limnologi, marin biologi, akvatisk ekologi, modellekosystem, fotosyntes, |
Rune Andersson | GU | Biomedicine | Infectious diseases |
Keywords: Luftföroreningar, vaccinationer, luftvägsinfektioner, Air pollution, respiratory infections, vaccination |
Matilda Emgård | GU | Biomedicine | Infectious diseases |
Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic resistance, pneumococci, pneumococcal disease, Africa South of Saharah, antimikrobiell resistens, antibiotika resistens, pneumokocker, pneumokocksjukdom, Afrika söder om Sahara |
Anna Johnning | GU | Biomedicine | Infectious diseases |
Keywords: Antibiotikaresistens, läkemedelsutsläpp, fluoroquinoloner, Indien, bioinformatik, Antibiotic resistance, pharmaceutical pollution, fluoroquinolones, India, bioinformatics |
Joakim Larsson | GU | Biomedicine | Infectious diseases |
Keywords: läkemedel, fisk, toxicogenomics, biomarkörer, reproduktion, endokrinologi, hormoner, antibiotika, bakterier, resistens, avloppsvatten, genomik, pharmaceuticals, fish, biomarkers, reproduction, endocrinology, hormons, antibiotics, bacterias, resistance, wastewater, genomics |
Mats Sandberg | GU | Biomedicine | Medical biochemistry and cell biology |
Keywords: bromerade flamskyddsmedel, miljösamordnare, källsortering, Hjärnans utveckling, Environmental coordinatorat the Sahlgrenska academy, persistent organic pullutants, Flame retardants, Brain development |
Peter Beusch | GU | Business administration | Accounting |
Keywords: hållbarhet, ekonomistyrning, redovisning, M&As, management ideologier, sustainability, management accounting, management control, M&As, management ideologies, |
Hanna Martin | GU | Business administration | Economic Geography |
Keywords: economic geography, regional development, geography, grand challenges, socio-technical transitions, innovation systems, innovation policy, food industry, forest industry, bioeconomy |
Roman Martin | GU | Business administration | Economic Geography |
Keywords: economic geography, regional development, innovation systems, cluster, policy |
Jonas Flodén | GU | Business administration | Industrial and financial management & Logistics |
Keywords: intermodala transporter, kombinerade transporter, logistik, transport, intermodal transport, logistics, modal shift, överflyttning, väg, järnväg, road, rail, shipping, business model, actor |
Elisabeth Karlsson | GU | Business administration | Industrial and financial management & Logistics |
Keywords: logistik, e-handel, digital handel, hållbarhet, distribution |
Conny Overland | GU | Business administration | Industrial and financial management & Logistics |
Keywords: energisystem, investeringar, styrmedel, finans, ägande, kontroll, energy systems, policy instruments, corporate finance, corporate
governance, capital budgeting |
Elmira Parviziomran | GU | Business administration | Industrial and financial management & Logistics |
Keywords: |
Anders Sandoff | GU | Business administration | Industrial and financial management & Logistics |
Keywords: Investeringar, bolagsstyrning, lönsamhet, investeringspraxis, energibolag,
offentligt ägande, beslutsunderlag, fjärrvärme, kraftproduktion, kommunala
bolag, Corporate finance, Corporate governance, Captital budgeting, investments,
Public ownership, Strategic management, Utilities, Energy companies,
district heating, power production |
Gabriela Schaad | GU | Business administration | Industrial and financial management & Logistics |
Keywords: hållbarhet, hållbarhetsstrategier, miljöstrategier, bioekonomi, sustainability, sustainability strategies, environmental strategies, bioeconomy |
Johan Woxenius | GU | Business administration | Industrial and financial management & Logistics |
Keywords: godstransporter, logistik och miljö, intermodala transporter, kombinerade transporter, kombitrafik, järnväg, Freight Transport, Logistics and the environment, Intermodal transport, combined transport, rail transport |
Petra Adolfsson | GU | Business administration | Management & Organisation |
Keywords: city management, air quality, water quality. |
Sara Brorström | GU | Business administration | Management & Organisation |
Keywords: Gothenburg Research Institute - GRI, Organisation , public management, strategy, sustainability |
Niklas Egels Zandén | GU | Business administration | Management & Organisation |
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, CSR, företag, institutionell teori, hållbarhetsstrategier, corporate social responsibility, CSR, business, workers rights, governance, multinational corporations, institutional theory, strategy |
Maria Norbäck | GU | Business administration | Management & Organisation |
Keywords: precarious work, new work life, atypical work, creative industries |
Sandra Samuelsson | GU | Business administration | Management & Organisation |
Keywords: energi, avfall, organisering, enery, waste management, organizing |
Linnéa Windahl Strömblad | GU | Business administration | Management & Organisation |
Keywords: |
María José Zapata Campos | GU | Business administration | Management & Organisation |
Keywords: |
John Armbrecht | GU | Business administration | Marketing |
Keywords: Tourism impacts, aquaculture, food experiences |
Tommy D Andersson | GU | Business administration | Marketing |
Keywords: tourism events, food events, sustainable |
Ulrika Holmberg | GU | Business administration | Marketing |
Keywords: |
Eva-Maria Jernsand | GU | Business administration | Marketing |
Keywords: upplevelser, innovation, hållbar turism, transdisciplilnär forskning, experiences, innovation, action research, sustainable tourism |
Erik Lundberg | GU | Business administration | Marketing |
Keywords: turism, event, upplevelser, tourism, events, experiences |
Cecilia Solér | GU | Business administration | Marketing |
Keywords: |
Barbara Czarniawska | GU | Business administration | |
Keywords: Gothenburg Research Institute - GRI |
Lena Mossberg | GU | Business administration | |
Keywords: innovation, design, Marketing and consumer experiences, Services marketing, Culinary tourism, Tourism marketing |
Lucia Pizzichini | GU | Business administration | |
Keywords: food tourism, coastal tourism, events |
Martin Öberg | GU | Business administration | |
Keywords: Marketing Retailing, Town centre management, shopping centre management, City planning, Regional market development |
Markus Andersson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Applied surface chemistry |
Keywords: Marine Paint |
Hanna Härelind Ingelsten | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Applied surface chemistry |
Keywords: NOx, miljökatalys, emissionsrening, NOx, environmental catalysis, emission cleaning |
Magnus Skoglundh | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Applied surface chemistry |
Keywords: |
Paul Gatenholm | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Biopolymer technology |
Keywords: polymer; plastic; recycling; biodegradation; packaging; coatings; composites; natural polymers; |
Urban Grén | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical engineering design |
Keywords: separationsteknik; återvinningsteknik; kemikalieåtervinning; systemanalys; omrörning; avvattning; filtrering; pressning; tvättning; destillation; mesaombränning; kausticering; släckning; fysikalisk-kemisk data; CFC; HCFC;, separation operations; recovery technology; chemicals recovery; system analysis; mixing; dewatering; steam drying; filtration; pressing; lime reburning; causticising; slaking; physico-chemical property data; CFC; HCFC; |
Anders Rasmuson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical engineering design |
Keywords: kemiteknik; miljöfarligt avfall; separationsteknik; deponering; konsekvensanalys; spridningsberäkningar; |
Sara Heimersson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical environmental science |
Keywords: livscykelanalys, LCA, hållbarhetsbedömning, life cycle assessment, LCA, sustainablity assessment |
Göran Petersson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical environmental science |
Keywords: kolväten; alkener; alkylbensener; terpener; fotooxidanter; vedeldning, bio-bränslen, sopsortering |
Abdenour Achour | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical reaction engineering |
Keywords: Lignin depolymerization, H2 production, Green Sustainable, Sugar plant, CO2 reduction. |
Louise Olsson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical reaction engineering |
Keywords: avgasrening, alternativ bränsleproduktion |
Emma Olsson Månsson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical reaction engineering |
Keywords: Biobränsle, biofuel, pyrolysolja, pyrolysis oil, katalys, catalysis, |
Stefanie Tamm | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical reaction engineering |
Keywords: DME, dimethylether, NOx-reduktion, bilavgas, syreöverskott, DME, dimethyl ether, NOx reduction, exhaust gas, excess oxygen |
Katarina Gårdfeldt | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: Kvicksilver, atmosfär, vattenfas, gasfas, flux, redox-reaktioner, fotokemiska reaktioner, abiotisk metylering, tungmetaller, vatten, luft, sjö, hav., Mercury, atmosphere, aqueous phase, gaseous phase, flux, redox-reactions, photochemical reactions, abiotic methylation, heavymetals, air, water, lake, sea. |
Lars-Gunnar Johansson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: luftföroreningar; svaveldioxid; kvävedioxid; ozon; korrosion; ytkemi; adsorption; kemisorption; fysisorption; ytreaktioner; spekulär; reflektans; IR; koppar; brons; zink; stål; guld; aluminium; oxider; korrosionsprodukter;, atmospheric corrosion, materials degradation by atmospheric pollutants, light metals, chromia-formers, oxidation, high-temperature corrosion, oxides, Hi Tc Superconductors |
Torbjörn Jonsson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: Högtemperaturkorrosion, Förbränning av biomassa, Elektronmikroskopi, High temperature corrosion, Combustion of biomass, Electron microscopy |
Pavleta Knutsson | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: CSS, miljövänlig produktutveckling, gas
engine, jet engine, Pt-effekt., CSS, ETH sustainability,gas engine,jet engine,sustainability indicators,
sustainability leadership, social indicators, environmental friendly product development, gas engine, jet engine, Pt-effect. |
Henrik Leion | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: |
Jesper Liske | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: |
Britt-Marie Steenari | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: |
Rikard Ylmén | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Environmental inorganic chemistry |
Keywords: cement, hydratation, nanosilika, alit, belit, nanopartiklar, cement, hydration, nano silica, alite, belite, nano particles |
Hans Theliander | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Forest products and chemical engineering |
Keywords: |
Mark Foreman | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Industrial materials recycling |
Keywords: Recycling, Solvent Extraction, Deep Eutectic Solvents, Fission products, serious nuclear accident chemistry, lanthanides, plastics, Organic chemistry, Main group chemistry, coordination chemistry |
Nils Zachmann | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Industrial materials recycling |
Keywords: Recycling, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Supercritical Fluid |
Christian Ekberg | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Nuclear chemistry |
Keywords: industriell materialåtervinning, avfall, metaller, ädelmetaller, bilkatalysatorer, förbränningsaska, elektronikskrot, kärnkemi, kärnavfall, separation, transmutation, lösningskemi, komplexbildning |
Toni Gutknecht | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Nuclear chemistry |
Keywords: |
Elin Löfström-Engdahl | Chalmers | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Nuclear chemistry |
Keywords: Kemi, kärnavfall, industriellt avfall,hållbar avfallshantering, återvinning, Chemistry, nuclear waste, industrial waste, sustainable waste treatment, recycling |
Johan Boman | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Atmospheric Science |
Keywords: spårämnen; röntgenfluorescens; aerosoler; vatten; sjösediment; EDXRF; miljömätteknik; spektroskopi;, trace elements; X-ray fluorescence; aerosols; water; sediments; EDXRF; environmental measurement techniques; spectroscopy; |
Mattias Hallquist | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Atmospheric Science |
Keywords: Atmosfärkemi, partiklar, aerosoler, terpener, troposfär, Atmospheric chemistry, particles, aerosols, terpenes, troposphere |
Epameinondas (Nondas) Tsiligiannis | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Atmospheric Science |
Keywords: SOA, VOC, Mass Spectrometry, Aerosols, Atmospheric Chemistry |
Örjan Hansson | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Biochemistry and biophysics |
Keywords: biofysik, spektroskopi, laser, kinetik, elektronöverföring, fotosyntes, kopparproteiner, biophysics, spectroscopy, laser, kinetics, electron transfer, photosynthesis, copper proteins |
Katarina Abrahamsson | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: marine chemistry, analytical chemistry, organo-halogens, bioremediation of petroleum products |
Per Hall | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: Kemi; sediment; porvatten; bentiska flöden; sediment-vatten interaktioner; marin miljö; kol; syre; kväve; fosfor; kisel; mineralisering; tidig diagenes; biogeokemiska processer; eutrofiering; ekotoxikologi; miljögifter; tributyltenn; bromerade flamskyddsmedel, Chemistry; sediment; pore water; benthic fluxes; sediment-water interactions; marine environment; carbon; oxygen; nitrogen; phosphorus; silica; mineralization; early diagenesis; biogechemical processes; eutrophication; ecotoxicology; environmental pollutants and toxicants; tributyl tin; brominated flame retardants |
Martin Hassellöv | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: Kolloider, colloid, partiklar, metaller, porvatten, sediment, spårelement, grundvatten, dagvatten, muddring, Colloids, particles, metals, elements, sediment, porewater, sediment, groundwater, stormwater, dredging |
Leif Holmlid | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: högtemperaturomvandling; förbränning; aerosoler; alkalisaltpartiklar; atmosfäriska reaktioner; halogener; ozon;, High temperature energy conversion; combustion; aerosols; alkali
salt particles; atmospheric reactions; halogens; ozone; |
Stefan Hulth | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: biogeokemi; diagenes; bentiska flöden; bentiska massbalanser; sediment; porvatten; diffusion; kol; kväve; fosfor; kisel; Syre; |
Xiangrui Kong | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: is, molecular beam, Cirrusmoln, Ice, Molecular Beam, Cirrus Cloud |
Evert Ljungström | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: gasfaskinetik: heterogena reaktioner: nitratradikal; peroxyacetylnitrat; salpetersyra; |
Erik Thomson | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: ice, cryosphere, premelting, |
David Turner | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: |
Margareta Wedborg | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Environmental chemistry |
Keywords: humusämnen; organiskt kol; jämviktsmodeller; karbonatsystemet; pH; |
Gunnar Nyman | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Fundamental chemistry |
Keywords: vågpaket, fotodissociation, fotolys, kvantdynamik, wavepacket, photdissociation,photolysis, quantum dynamics |
Malte Hermansson | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Microbiology |
Keywords: genöverföring; resistensgener; marin miljö; bakterier; transposon; plasmid; selektionstryck; |
Ann-Therese Karlberg | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Organic and medical chemistry |
Keywords: allergi, hudexponering, kemiska ämnen, kemisk syntes och analys, sensibiliseringsstudier, SAR, kliniska studier, proteinreaktivitet |
Huaqing Li | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | Physical Chemistry |
Keywords: Quantum dynamics, reaction rate |
Ravi Kant Pathak | GU | Chemistry and molecular biology | |
Keywords: SOA, partitioning, volatility, hygroscopicity |
Ulla Tang | GU | Clinical sciences | Orthopaedics |
Keywords: hållbarhet, sustainability, diabetes, fotsår, plantart tryck, ortoser,skor, biomekanik, prevention, kostnader, hållbarhet, diabetes, foot ulcers, plantar pressure, biomechanics,orthotics, foot wear, prevention, costs, sustainability |
David Ljungman | GU | Clinical sciences | Surgery |
Keywords: early-onset colorectal cancer, exposome, molecular epidemiology, microbiome, diet, global surgery data, household survey, facility survey |
Marco Schirone | Chalmers | Communication and Learning in Science | Informationskompetens för lärande och forskning |
Keywords: |
Raffaella Negretti | Chalmers | Communication and Learning in Science | Language and communication |
Keywords: scientific writing, academic writing, science communication, writing development, metacognition, learning in higher education |
Devdatt Dubhashi | Chalmers | Computer science and engineering (Chalmers) | Computing Science |
Keywords: randomiserade algoritmer, maskininlärning, Big Data, beräkningsbiologi |
Cristina Martinez Montes | Chalmers | Computer science and engineering (Chalmers) | Software Engineering |
Keywords: |
Birgit Penzenstadler | Chalmers | Computer science and engineering (Chalmers) | Software Engineering |
Keywords: Software Engineering for Sustainability,
Requirements Engineering, Wellbeing, Burnout Prevention, Stress Management,
Quality Assurance,
Human Resilience |
Susanne Fredholm | GU | Conservation | Built environment |
Keywords: |
Feras Hammami | GU | Conservation | Built environment |
Keywords: Heritage, planning, resistance, peacebuilding, cities, identity, memory, politics. |
Ola Wetterberg | GU | Conservation | Built environment |
Keywords: stadsbyggnad, urban planning, kulturvård, integrated conservation, heritage, built environment, kyrkor, churches, religious heritage, religiösa kulturarv, heritage planning, infrastruktur, infrastructure, waste, avfall, renovation, återvinning, recycling, adaptive reuse, återbruk |
Géraldine Brun | GU | Conservation | |
Keywords: hållbarhet, sustainable, architecture, arkitektur, hantverk, craft, traditions, pre-industrial, förindustriell, trä, wood, skogsbruk, forest, construction, ekologiskt |
Ingegärd Eliasson | GU | Conservation | |
Keywords: stadsklimatologi; bebyggelseklimatologi; luftmiljö; lokalklimat; energi; komfort; planering; luftföroreningar; grönstruktur ;, urban climate; city climate; local climate; urban planning; green areas; energy; climate comfort; air quality; air environment; air ventilation; |
Eva Gustavsson | GU | Conservation | |
Keywords: biocultural heritage, biologiskt kulturarv, traditional ecological knowledge, TEK, historisk ekologi, historical ecology, |
Ingrid Martins Holmberg | GU | Conservation | |
Keywords: |
Bosse Lagerqvist | GU | Conservation | |
Keywords: Gamla industrimiljöer |
Katarina Saltzman | GU | Conservation | |
Keywords: |
Kerstin Gunnemark | GU | Cultural sciences | Cultural studies |
Keywords: Stadsliv, minnen, kulturarv |
Juan Velasquez-Atehortua | GU | Cultural sciences | Gender studies |
Keywords: barrio feminism, Anthropocene, gendering practices, chthulucene, communities of compost |
Annabella Loconsole | HV | Department of Engineering Sciences | |
Keywords: empirical software engineering, requirements engineering, software metrics |
Asun Valiente | HV | Department of Engineering Sciences | |
Keywords: |
Claudia Preisig | HV | Department of Social and Behavioural Studies | |
Keywords: Education for sustainable development |
Camilla Seitl | HV | Department of Social and Behavioural Studies | |
Keywords: Arbetsintegrerat lärande, informellt lärande, lärande i och inför arbete, lärande i sociala sammanhang, villkor för lärande, kompetens.
Work-integrated learning, informal learning, learning in and before work, learning in social contexts, conditions for learning, competence. |
Mathias Zannakis | HV | Department of Social and Behavioural Studies | |
Keywords: Hållbar utveckling, miljöpolitik, miljödiskurser, politiska institutioner, flernivåstyrning/multi level governance, miljöattityder, miljöbeteende, skolorganisering, samhällskunskapsdidaktik,
Sustainable development, environmental politics, environmental discourses, political institutions, multi-level governance, environmental attitudes, environmental behavior, school organization, the didactics of the social science subjects. |
Aurora Patchett | GU | Earth sciences | Alpine and Polar Ecology |
Keywords: browning, extreme winter weather events, biological soil crust, gas flux, brunfärgning, extrema vinterväder, biologisk jordskorpa, växthusgasflöde |
Janina Konarska | GU | Earth sciences | Atmospheric science |
Keywords: urban climatology; stadsklimatologi; urban trees; urbana träd, urban greenery; urban grönska; ecosystem services; ekosystemtjänster; GIS |
Cheng Shen | GU | Earth sciences | Atmospheric science |
Keywords: wind, climate, global, regional |
Robert Björk | GU | Earth sciences | BLUES |
Keywords: Arctic, Greenhouse gas dynamics, Carbon dynamics, Permafrost, Climate change |
Mats P. Björkman | GU | Earth sciences | BLUES |
Keywords: Permafrost, Snow, Nitrogen, Greenhouse gas, snow chemistry |
Roland Barthel | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: vatten, vattentillgång, water, water supply |
Louise C. Andresen | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: jordnäringsämnen, negative emissions, ekosystem påverkas av klimatförändringer, soil nutrients, negative emissions, ecosystem response to climate change |
Deliang Chen | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: Meteorologi, regional klimatologi, matematik modellering, klimatsystemet, mikro och lokal klimatologi, tillämpad klimatologi, UV och ozon, deposition, Göteborg, Kina, klimatändringar, Meteorology, Regional Climatology, Mathematical Modelling, The Climate System, Micro och Local Climatology, Applied Climatology, UV Radiation and Ozone, Deposition, Göteborg, China, Climate Change |
Markus Giese | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Torbjörn Gustavsson | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: klimat, lokal klimat, vägklimat, tillämpad klimatologi, trafiksäkerhet, transport, miljö och klimat, climatology, micro climate, road climatology, traffic safety, transport, environment and climate |
Björn Holmer | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: lokalklimat; inversion; urban värme; lokala vindsystem; omlandsbris; landbris; bebyggelse; trafik; luftföroreningar; kolväten; toluen; kvävedioxid; DOAS; |
Åsa Kasimir | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: Markanvändning, dikad torvmark. växthusgasemissioner, lustgas, koldioxid, metan, emissionsfaktorer, CoupModellen, Land use, drained peatland, greenhousegas emissions, Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, emission factors, CoupModel |
Leif Klemedtson | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: växthusgaser, lustgas, metan, koldiod, processtudier, fältmätningar,
mikrometeorologi, laser, modellering, Greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, methane, carbon dioxide, process
understanding, chambers, micrometeorology, laser, modelling |
Hui-Wen Lai | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Fredrik Lindberg | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: stadsklimatologi, stadsplanering, GIS, Urban climatology, urban planning, GIS |
Hans Linderholm | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: paleoklimat, klimatförändringar, telekonnektioner, ekologi, dendroklimatologi, paleoclimate, climate change, teleconnections, ecology, dendroclimatology |
Kjell Nordberg | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: marina sediment; meiofauna; foraminiferer; palynomorfer; pollen; dinoflagellater; dinocystor; elementanalyser; isotopanalyser; sedimentologi; paleo-oceanografi; Kattegatt; Skagerrak; Nordsjön; |
Tinghai Ou | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: Climate extreme events, influence factors, mechanics, circulation |
David Rayner | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: RCG, GAC |
Tobias Rütting | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Rodney Stevens | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: mark; hav; mineralogi; sedimentologi; stratigrafi; Kattegatt; Skagerrak; transport och depositionsprocesser; lagring av föroreningar; jordbruk; gödsling; geokemi;, sediment transport, sedimentation, harbour pollution, coastal sedimentology,
archipelago environment, estuary, geochemistry, dredging, Quaternary geology, GIS,
mineralogy. |
Anders Stigebrandt | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: marin systemanalys; fysisk oceanografi; vertikalcirkulation; skiktade vätskors dynamik; blandningsprocesser; interna vågor; internt tidvatten; |
Elena Tamarit Castro | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: Climate, coastal, marine, fisheries, policy, sustainability, impacts, environment, ecosystem, resilience, seafood, industry |
Sofia Thorsson | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: Städer, klimat/meteorologi, termisk komfort, partiklar, CO, GAC, Urban areas, Urban areas, micro - and local meteorology, thermal comfort,
particulate matter, CO, GAC |
Gösta Walin | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Nils Wallenberg | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Per Weslien | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Peng Zhang | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Lu Zhou | GU | Earth sciences | |
Keywords: |
Jessica Coria | GU | Economics | Environmental economics |
Keywords: policy instruments, tradable permits, diffusion of new technologies, taxes |
Håkan Eggert | GU | Economics | Environmental economics |
Keywords: Naturresursekonomi, miljöekonomi, marin miljö, fiskefrågor, environmental and resource economics, marine issues |
Olof Johansson Stenman | GU | Economics | Environmental economics |
Keywords: Välfärdsekonomi, transportekonomi, miljöekonomi, miljövärdering, etik och ekonomi, offentlig ekonomi, experimentell ekonomi, Welfare economics, transport economics, environmental economics, environmental valuation, ethics and economics, public economics, experimental economics |
Gunnar Köhlin | GU | Economics | Environmental economics |
Keywords: |
Åsa Löfgren | GU | Economics | Environmental economics |
Keywords: Miljöekonomi, ekonomiska styrmedel, tillväxt, Environment, policy instruments, growth |
Thomas Sterner | GU | Economics | Environmental economics |
Keywords: styrmedel; tillväxt; hållbar utveckling; transporter; bensinpris; miljöekonomi; |
Jens Ewald | GU | Economics | |
Keywords: Environmental economics, carbon tax, carbon pricing, political acceptability. |
Tommy Gärling | GU | Economics | |
Keywords: Beslutsfattande, ekonomiska styrmedel, personresor, Decision making, economic incentives, passenger travel |
Jens Boberg | GU | Economy and society | Economic history |
Keywords: |
Oskar Broberg | GU | Economy and society | Economic history |
Keywords: mjölk, näringslivshistoria, mejeri, KRAV, Arla, Latour, entreprenör, milk, business history, dairy industry, Latour, entrepreneurship, Arla |
Staffan Granér | GU | Economy and society | Economic history |
Keywords: Miljöhistoria, skogshistoria, Skogsbruk, Äganderätt, Förfoganderätt,
institutionell ekonomi, Miljöstyrmedel, Avskogning, Materialflöden,
Träkol, Environmental History, Forest History, Forestry, Property Rights,
Entitlements, Institutional economics, Time Preferences, Deforesting,
Material flows, Charcoal |
Ann Ighe | GU | Economy and society | Economic history |
Keywords: Economic history, labour markets, gender, migration, family politics |
Birgit Karlsson | GU | Economy and society | Economic history |
Keywords: ekonomi, historia, materialflöden, miljöpolitik, återvinning, Economics, history, material flows, environment policy, recycling |
Svante Prado | GU | Economy and society | Economic history |
Keywords: miljö, hållbar utveckling, ekonomisk tillväxt, materialflöden, avmaterialisering, konsumption, produktion, fiske, environment, sustainable development, the Kuznets curve, economic growth, consumption, production |
Robin Biddulph | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: land rights, food waste, tourism, uneven Development, tenure conversions, right to buy, livelihoods, |
Charlotta Capitao Patrao | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: stationssamhällen, regional kontext, fysisk planering, infrastrukturplanering, järnvägar, station communities, regional context, planning, infrastructure, railways |
Erik Elldér | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: Resvanor, stadsbyggnad, tillgänglighet, GIS |
Ana Gil Solá | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: vardagsliv, rörlighet, tillgänglighet, pendling, genus, social hållbarhet, planering, everyday Life, mobility, accessibility, work travel, gender,
social sustainiblity, planning |
Anders Larsson | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: Industrial and economic geography, Regional development and innovation, Regional planning and policy, GIS, Transport and accessibility methodology |
Jonas Lindberg | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: |
Kanchana N Ruwanpura | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: Sri Lanka, South Asia, Labour, Feminism, Corporate Codes of Conduct, Post-Conflict, Post-Disaster |
Mattias Sandberg | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: Barn, ungdomar, tätortsnära natur, friluftsliv, natursyn, hållbar utveckling, Children, young people, urban, outdoor recreation, environmental
competence |
Marie Stenseke | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: biologisk mångfald, friluftsliv, fysisk planering, lokalt perspektiv, lokal delaktighet, plats, landskapsförvaltning, bevarandeplanering,, biodiversity, outdoor recreation, landscape, place, local perspective,participatory planning, landscape management |
Bertil Vilhelmson | GU | Economy and society | Human geography |
Keywords: resvanor;, Travel and communication; human activity patterns and mobility;
environmental geography |
Olof Zaring | GU | Economy and society | Institute of innovation and entrepreneurship |
Keywords: |
Aimee Haley | GU | Education and special education | |
Keywords: higher education, migration, international partnerships, educational access |
Sverker Lindblad | GU | Education and special education | |
Keywords: education policy, curriculum theory, comparative education, knowledge organization, teacher education |
Gun-Britt Wärvik | GU | Education and special education | |
Keywords: kunskapspolitik, omstrukturering, utbildning, politics of knowledge, education, restructuring |
Zahra Bayati | GU | Education, communication and learning | |
Keywords: Lärande, Barn i tidig ålder, mångkultur, samhälle, hållbar, minoritet, Early childhood, Sustainable society, multiculture, minority |
Helena Åberg | GU | Education, communication and learning | |
Keywords: Hushåll, avfall, attityder, beteenden, vanor, källsortering, kompostering vatten och avlopp, Households, household resource management, waste, attitudes, behaviours, habits, source separation, composting, water, sewage. |
Tommy Svensson | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | Communication and Antenna Systems |
Keywords: Trådlös mobil kommunikation, Wireless communication systems |
Ola Carlson | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | Electric Power Engineering |
Keywords: |
Stanislaw Gubanski | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | Electric Power Engineering |
Keywords: |
Paul Imgart | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | Electric Power Engineering |
Keywords: grid-forming converters, converter control, renewable integration, wind power, auxilliary services |
David Steen | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | Electric Power Engineering |
Keywords: Plug-in hybrid, PHEV, elnät, energisystem, Plug-in hybrid, PHEV, energy system. |
Bo Egardt | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | Systems and Control |
Keywords: |
Torsten Wik | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | Systems and Control |
Keywords: Modellering, biofilm, nitrifikation, avloppsvatten, styrning, reglering,
dynamik, experiment, biobädd, denitrifikation, Modelling, biofilm, nitrification, wastewater, control, dynamics, experiments,
trickling filter, denitrification |
Balzas Kulcsar | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | |
Keywords: intelligenta transportsystem |
Sonja Lundmark | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | |
Keywords: design, modellering, elektriska maskiner, el- och hybridfordon, vindkraftgeneratorer |
Torbjörn Thiringer | Chalmers | Electrical Engineering | |
Keywords: |
Daniel Slunge | GU | Environment for Development | |
Keywords: Miljöekonomi, Hälsoekonomi, Strategisk miljöanalys, forskning-policy interaktion, fästing, TBE, borrelia, kemikalier, styrmedel, värdering, Environmental economics, Health economics, Strategic environmental assessment, policy instruments, governance, chemicals, ticks, TBE |
Erik Sterner | GU | Environment for Development | |
Keywords: klimatförändringar, klimatmodeller, SLCF, Black Carbon, Climate change,Climate models,SLCF,Black Carbon, |
Monica Sand | GU | Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts | Fakultskansliet |
Keywords: artistic methods / processes, ambience, social life |
Beatrix Algurén | GU | Food and nutrition, and sport science | |
Keywords: |
Anna Post | GU | Food and nutrition, and sport science | |
Keywords: Sustainable food consumption, public meals, meal planning, food consumption, climate impact on meals, human ecology, resource management, meal and food habits, longitudinal research methodology, ethnography, sociology of food and meals, qualitative research methods, |
Astrid Schubring | GU | Food and nutrition, and sport science | |
Keywords: Health, youth, learning, sport, physical education, pedagogy, sociology, sustainability, career, athlete, student |
Agneta Sjöberg | GU | Food and nutrition, and sport science | |
Keywords: måltidsutveckling, järnets biotillgänglighet, järnbrist, skolmåltid, folkhälsa, nutrition, barnfetma, meal development, iron bioavailability, iron defiency, school meala, public Health, nutrition, childhood obesity |
Mari Wollmar | GU | Food and nutrition, and sport science | |
Keywords: nutrition, sustainable food consumption, public meals |
Helene Wåhlander | GU | Food and nutrition, and sport science | |
Keywords: Hushåll, ekologi, beteende, hållbara vanor, resursanvändning, mat och
miljö, beslutsfattande i hushåll, konsumtionsvanor, miljöperspektiv och
lärande, Family ecology, behaviour in a sustainable society, interaction in
households, households and the environment, decisionmaking, consumption
patterns, learning processes |
Thomas Daum | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: Agricultural Development, Innovations, Sustainable Transformation, Food Systems, Africa, Asia |
Per Knutsson | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: hållbar landsbygdsutveckling, hållbara försörjningssystem, tvärvetenskap,
Kenya, Shaanxi, Kina, klimatförändringar, markanvändning, sårbarhet,
anpassning, sustainable rural development, sustainable livelihoods, interdisciplinary,
Kenya, Shaanxi, China, climate change, land use, vulnerability, adaptation |
Andrea Morf | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: fysisk planering, deltagande, hållbar resursbruk, naturressurskonflikter, konflikthantering naturresurs- planeringskonflikter, integrerad kustzonsförvaltning, kustresurser, vattenkvalité, vindkraft, permanent boende, turistanläggningar, miljökonsekvenser, skärgårdsutveckling, landsbygdsutveckling, |
Gunilla A. Olsson | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: markanvändning, naturresurser, matprodution, energiproduktion, hållbart
nyttjande av biologisk mångfald, ekologiska fotavtryck, klimatändring, land use, natural resources, food production, bioenergy production,
sustainable use of biological diversity, ecological foot prints, climate
change |
Merritt Polk | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: transport, jämställdhet, hållbarhet, tvärvetenskapliga miljöstudier,
aktörssamverkan, deltagande |
Madeleine Prutzer | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: djuromsorg, djurvälfärd, lantbrukarens perspektiv, djuromsorgsprogram, animal welfare, farmers view, animal welfare program |
Nanna Rask | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: Hållbara Städer, Politisk Ekologi, Intersektionalitet, Makt, Social- och miljörättvisa, Hållbar Omställning, Sociala rörelser och gräsrötter, Lokal Styrning, Hållbar Konsumtion, Alternativa Ekonomier och post-growth, Sustainable Cities, Political Ecology, Intersectionality, Power, Social and Environmental Justice, Grassroots Sustainability Transitions, Local Governance, Sustainable Consumption, Alternative and Diverse Economies, Post-growth |
Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: Lokal identitet, landskap, platsens betydelse, lokala värden,
miljökonflikter, naturresursförvaltning, osäkerhet, 'contaminated
communities', kollektiva minnen, naturuppfattning, Local identity, landscape, meaning of place, values, environmental
conflicts, natural resource management, uncertainty, contaminated
communities, collective memory, environmental perceptions and ideas of
Nature |
Olga Stepanova | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: kusten, konflikter, resurser, hållbar förvaltning av naturresurser, konflikt analys, konflithantering, Sverige, coast, conflicts, natural resources, susatainable resource management, conflict analysis, conflict management, Sweden |
Rikard Warlenius | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: |
Marie Widengård | GU | Global studies | Human ecology/Environmental Social Science |
Keywords: biofuel, justice, ethics, fossil-free, transport, forest, Sweden |
Karen da Costa | GU | Global studies | Human rights |
Keywords: Global Studies, International Human Rights Law, International Disaster Law, Public International Law, International Comparative Law. |
Hans Abrahamsson | GU | Global studies | Peace and development |
Keywords: Segregation, ungdomar, civilsamhällets roll |
Erik Andersson | GU | Global studies | Peace and development |
Keywords: global politisk ekonomi, finansmarknader, globalisering, globala studier, hållbarhet, |
Sofie Hellberg | GU | Global studies | Peace and development |
Keywords: vatten, hållbar utveckling, water, sustainable development |
Fredrik Söderbaum | GU | Global studies | Peace and development |
Keywords: fattigdom, utveckling, samhällsstyrning, bistånd, Afrika, internationella institutioner, makt, fred, vatten, hälsa, poverty, development, aid, global governance, Africa, power, peace, water, health |
Marie Thynell | GU | Global studies | Peace and development |
Keywords: Hållbar utveckling, utvecklingsländer, urbanisering, stadstransporter,
non-motorised mobility, trafikreglering, transport politik, New Delhi,
Tehran, Copenhagen, Brasilia, Dacca., sustainable development, sustainable transport, sustainable cities, developing countries, transport policies, social justice, mass motorization, urban governance, urban transport, non-motorised mobility, traffic regulation, Copenhagen, Santiago de Chile, Tehran, New Delhi, Dhaka |
Staffan Appelgren | GU | Global studies | Social anthropology |
Keywords: kulturarv, turism, konsumtion, Göteborg, Tokyo, secondhand, retro, bevarande, heritage, tourism, consumption, Gothenburg, Tokyo, second-hand, retro, preservation, |
Anna Bohlin | GU | Global studies | Social anthropology |
Keywords: second-hand, återbruk, alternativa kulturarvsformer, materiell kultur |
Åsa Boholm | GU | Global studies | Social anthropology |
Keywords: Riskhantering, miljöantropologi, kommunikation, kultur, offentlig
förvaltning, naturpolitik, Risk management, environmental anthropology, communication, culture,
public administration, politics of nature |
Jörgen Hellman | GU | Global studies | Social anthropology |
Keywords: |
Joakim Berndtsson | GU | Global studies | |
Keywords: Privatisering, krig, säkerhet, säkerhetsstudier, statsbyggnad, civil-militära förhållanden, FN:s fredsoperationer, svensk försvarsopinion |
Hanna Leonardsson | GU | Global studies | |
Keywords: societal transformation, state-society interactions, social sustainability, multi-level/scale governance, local |
Sebastian Linke | GU | Global studies | |
Keywords: Vetenskapskommunikation, Science Communication, Public Understanding of Science, Science and
Society, Science and the Media |
Magdalena Zeijlon | GU | Global studies | |
Keywords: |
Martin Eriksson | Chalmers | GMV (Chalmers) | |
Keywords: Sustainable Development, SDG, SDSN, ecotoxicology, metagenomics, microbial community ecology, marine environment, periphyton, Pollution-Induced Community Tolerance (PICT), antifouling |
Kerstin Hemström | Chalmers | GMV (Chalmers) | |
Keywords: |
Magdalena Eriksson | GU | GMV (GU) | Global Sustainable Futures (GSF) |
Keywords: global, Agenda 2030, sustainability, hållbarhet, partnership, partnerskap, development, utveckling |
Anders Ekbom | GU | GMV (GU) | |
Keywords: Strategic environmental assessment
Research-policy interaction |
Jan Pettersson | GU | GMV (GU) | |
Keywords: sustainable development, sustainability science, atmospheric science, physical chemistry, air quality, climate, aerosol, cloud, bioenergy, surface science, measurement techniques, atmosfärsvetenskap, fysikalisk kemi, luftkvalitet, klimat, moln, bioenergi, ytprocesser, mätteknik |
Jan Rosvall | GU | GMV (GU) | |
Keywords: kulturvård, livscykler, beständighet, lufföroreningar, nedbrytning, byggnader, bebyggelse; bevarandeplanering, dokumentations- och mätmetoder, kulturhistoriska föremål och miljöer, etik, conservation |
Kassahun Weldemariam | GU | GMV (GU) | |
Keywords: Sustainability, Early Childhood, Posthumanism, New-Materialism, Anthropocentrism, Antromorphisim, Post-anthropocentrism |
Hanna Gyllensten | GU | Health and care sciences | Learning and leadership in health and education |
Keywords: Hälsoekonomi, prioriteringar i vården, folkhälsa, läkemedel, vårdvetenskap, Health economics, priority setting in healthcare, public health, drug use, health care sciences |
Petra Brembeck | GU | Health and care sciences | |
Keywords: Amning, vitamin D, bentäthet, benkvalitet, näringslära, Lactation, vitamin D, bone mineral density, nutrition |
Christian Isendahl | GU | Historical studies | Archaeology |
Keywords: Archaeology, Historical ecology, Sustainability, Resilience, Vulnerability, Tropics, Urbanism, Food security, Freshwater security, Latin America |
Christine Hansen | GU | Historical studies | |
Keywords: |
Cecilia Berlin | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Design & Human Factors |
Keywords: ergonomi, arbetsmiljö, design, social hållbarhet, ergonomics, work environment, design, social sustainability |
MariAnne Karlsson | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Design & Human Factors |
Keywords: hållbara persontransporter, mobilitet-som-tjänst (MaaS), sustainable transport, mobility-as-a-service |
Oskar Rexfelt | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Design & Human Factors |
Keywords: Användare, konsumenter, produktutveckling, tjänsteutveckling, funktionsförsäljning, Users, consumers, Product development, Design, Services, Product-Service systems, Functional sales |
Helena Strömberg | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Design & Human Factors |
Keywords: hållbara beteenden, vardagsliv, persontransporter, beteendeförändring, mobilitet, användarcentrerad design, produktutveckling, sustainable behaviours, everyday activities, personal transport, mobility, behaviour change, user-centred design, product development |
Jonas Tuveson | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Design & Human Factors |
Keywords: design för hållbarhet, human factors, design for sustainability, human factors |
Martin Fagerström | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Material and Computational Mechanics |
Keywords: FEM, brottmekanik, komposit, beräkningmekanik, materialmekanik, FEM, fracture, composite, computational mechanics, material mechanics |
Sheng Guo | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Materials and Manufacture |
Keywords: alloys, metallurgy, high temperature materials, energy efficiency, sustainable materials |
Lars Nyborg | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Materials and Manufacture |
Keywords: ytteknologi, tillverkningsproccer, material för lätta konstruktioner, beständighet (oxidation, korrosion), pulver och partikulära material, surface technology, manufacturing processes, materials for light design, surface engineering, oxidation, corrosion, powder and particulate materials |
Gauti Asbjörnsson | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Product Development |
Keywords: Ballast, aggregates, minerals, EPD, construction, bygg |
Kanishk Bhadani | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Product Development |
Keywords: |
Christina Lee | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Product Development |
Keywords: Construction materials, byggvaror, LCA, EPD, Environmental management, miljöledning, aggregates, aggregat |
Arpita Chari | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Production Systems |
Keywords: Industry 4.0, resilience, sustainability |
Mélanie Despeisse | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Production Systems |
Keywords: Sustainable manufacturing, Cleaner Production, Eco-efficiency, Resource efficiency, Lean & Green, Circularity, Circular Economy |
Björn Johansson | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Production Systems |
Keywords: hållbara produktionssystem, resilienta produktionssystem, simulering av hållbara produktionssystem, cirkulär ekonomi, standardisering för interoperabilitet och hållbarhet, 3D visualisering och analys av arbetsplatser och fabriker, livscykelanalys, simulering av värdekedjor och samband. Sustainable production, resilient production systems, simulation of sustainable production systems, circular economy, standardization, interoperability, visualization, 3D, AR, VR, workplace design, factory design, value chains. |
Johan Stahre | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Production Systems |
Keywords: Produktion, system, simulering, miljöanalys, människa/teknik-system, Production, manufacturing, system, simulation, environmental analysis, human factors engineering |
Ninan Theradapuzha Mathew | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Production Systems |
Keywords: |
Ebru Turanoglu Bekar | Chalmers | Industrial and Materials Science | Production Systems |
Keywords: Artificial intelligence/machine learning in maintenance and production systems, smart maintenance, predictive maintenance, data driven decision making, industrial data analytics |
Monika Djerf-Pierre | GU | Journalism, media and communication | |
Keywords: miljöjournalistik |
Maria Edström | GU | Journalism, media and communication | |
Keywords: genus, jämställdhet, medier,yttrandefrihet, journalistik, medierepresentationer,äldre i medierna, ålderism, Gender, media representations, ageing, aging,agism, ageism, gender equality, journalism, freedom of expression. |
Magnus Fredriksson | GU | Journalism, media and communication | |
Keywords: organisationers kommunikation,professionella normer, organisatoriska normer, samhälleliga normer, värderingar, idéer |
Mathias Färdigh | GU | Journalism, media and communication | |
Keywords: Pressfrihet, Yttrandefrihet, Korruption, Demokrati, Press freedom, Freedom of speech, Corruption, Democracy |
Marina Ghersetti | GU | Journalism, media and communication | |
Keywords: Kriskommunikation, sociala medier, nyhetsvärdering, sensationsjournalistik, journalisters syn, nyhetsvärdering, allmänhetens bio- och filmvanor |
Gabriella Sandstig | GU | Journalism, media and communication | |
Keywords: |
Jesper Strömbäck | GU | Journalism, media and communication | |
Keywords: political communication, journalism, public opinion, knowledge resistance, knowledge effects, political knowledge |
Petra Platen | GU | Languages and literatures | |
Keywords: |
Joana Pedroso | GU | Law | Tax Law |
Keywords: Environmental taxes. Eco-taxes. Green taxes. Sustainable taxes. State aid. EU law. Competition rules. |
Gabriela Argüello | GU | Law | |
Keywords: ocean governance, havsförvaltning, maritime law, sjö- och tranporträtt, law of the sea, havsrätt, waste management, avfall cantering, climate change, klimatförändring |
Filip Bladini | GU | Law | |
Keywords: miljörätt, rättslig reglering, Environmental law, regulative design |
Patrik Emblad | GU | Law | |
Keywords: Housing; inequality; taxation; bostadsfrågor; bostäder; ojämlikhet; skatt |
Lena Gipperth | GU | Law | |
Keywords: miljörätt, environmental law |
Kristjan Laas | GU | Law | |
Keywords: Miljörätt, kompensation, ålgräs, zostera marina, kustnära havsmiljö, Environmental law, compensation, eelgrass, zostera marina, coastal marine habitats |
Erik Mägi | GU | Law | |
Keywords: Familjerätt, juridik, föräldraskap, rättslig design, normkritik, intersektionalitet, genus, queer, familj, Family Law, Law, parenthood, legal design, social norms, norm-criticla studies, intersectionality, gender studies, queer studies, family and kinship studies |
Christina Olsen Lundh | GU | Law | |
Keywords: utsläppsrätter, handel, Kyoto, emissions trading, Kyoto |
Ulf Petrusson | GU | Law | |
Keywords: Immaterialrätt, privaträtt, Rättsekonom, Rättsvetenskap, intellektuella tillgångar, Law and technology |
Urban Strandberg | GU | Law | |
Keywords: kärnavfallspolitik, politisk legitimitet, samhällsplanering, representativ demokrati,, Nuclear waste management, political legitimacy, social planning, representative democracy |
Carl Brunius | Chalmers | Life Sciences | Food and Nutrition Science |
Keywords: |
Inger-Cecilia Mayer Labba | Chalmers | Life Sciences | Food and Nutrition Science |
Keywords: Proteinskiftet, sustainable nutrition, hållbar nutrition, bioavailability |
Marie Palmnäs-Bédard | Chalmers | Life Sciences | Food and Nutrition Science |
Keywords: diet, food, fiber, metabolic disease, metabolic syndrome, gut microbiota, metabolomics |
Ann-Sofie Sandberg | Chalmers | Life Sciences | Food and Nutrition Science |
Keywords: |
Carl Johan Franzén | Chalmers | Life Sciences | Industrial Biotechnology |
Keywords: biobränsle, bioetanol, bioenergi, hållbar bioteknik, bioprocessteknik, bioreaktionsteknik, lignocellulosa, förnybara kemikalier, bioenergy, biosustainability, bioethanol, lignocellulose, bioprocessing, metabolic engineering, biochemical engineering, biofuel |
Mauro Moreno-Beltran | Chalmers | Life Sciences | Systems and Synthetic Biologi |
Keywords: |
Camilla Brudin Borg | GU | Literature, history of ideas and religion | |
Keywords: |
Rikard Wingård | GU | Literature, history of ideas and religion | |
Keywords: Ekokritik, biosemiotik, permakultur, grön humaniora, environmental humanities, miljöhistoria, litteraturvetenskap, Ecocriticism, biosemiotics, permaculture, environmental humanities, environmental history, comparative literature. |
Grazzia Matamoros | GU | Marine Sciences | Centre for Sea and Society |
Keywords: Marine social-ecological systems, marine governance, fisheries management, sustainability education, transdisciplinarity |
Malin Rosengren | GU | Marine Sciences | Centre for Sea and Society |
Keywords: |
Irina Asteman | GU | Marine Sciences | Marine geology |
Keywords: climate, coastal hypoxia, primary productivity, marine pollution, alien species |
Karin Mattsson | GU | Marine Sciences | Marinkemi |
Keywords: |
Adam Ulfsbo | GU | Marine Sciences | Marinkemi |
Keywords: marin kemi, kemisk oceanografi, karbonatsystemet, Östersjön, Arktis, marine chemistry, chemical oceanography, carbonate system, Baltic Sea, Arctic |
Leif Anderson | GU | Marine Sciences | |
Keywords: marin kemi; kemisk oceanografi; karbonatsystemet; anoxisk miljö; Östersjön; Arktis; Antarktis; |
Lara Maleen Beckmann | GU | Marine Sciences | |
Keywords: Biodiversity, reproduction, marine, deep sea, ecology, cnidarians, porifera, ocean |
Sam Fredriksson | GU | Marine Sciences | |
Keywords: DNS, LES, openFoam, gas, exchange, air-water, interface |
Alyssa Joyce | GU | Marine Sciences | |
Keywords: circular bioeconomy, food system innovation, nutrient re-use in fish farming and agriculture, food security and food equity, hidden hunger, sustainability, overfishing, reef conservation, sustainable aquatic resource management. |
Mats Lindegarth | GU | Marine Sciences | |
Keywords: bottensamhällen, experimentutformning, statistisk analys,
miljöeffektstudier, förutsägelse, benthic assemblages, experimental design, statistical analysis, EIA,
prediction |
Kristoffer Stedt | GU | Marine Sciences | |
Keywords: macroalgae, tång, odlingsförhållanden,cultivation conditions, circularity, cirkularitet, blue economy, hållbar livsmedelsproduktion, sustainable food production |
Sten-Åke Wängberg | GU | Marine Sciences | |
Keywords: primary production, primärproduktion, micro algae, mikrolager, environmental factors, miljöpåverkan |
Kerstin Wiklander | GU | Mathematical sciences (GU) | Mathematical statistics |
Keywords: Försöksplanering, statistiska modeller, statistiska metoder, spridningseffekter, biologiska tillämpningar, Experimental design, statistical models and methods, dispersion effects |
Michael Patriksson | Chalmers | Mathematical sciences, Department of (Chalmers) | Mathematics |
Keywords: |
Mats Andersson | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Combustion |
Keywords: |
Sven Andersson | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Combustion |
Keywords: förbränning, förbränningsmotorer, emissioner, sprayer |
Jonas Sjöblom | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Combustion |
Keywords: catalysis, diesel engines, particulate matter emissions, aftertreatment, Air pollution, Air quality |
Henrik Ström | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Fluid Dynamics |
Keywords: modelling; simulations; fluid flow; multiphase flow; mass transfer; chemical reactions; particle transport; gas and water cleaning; pollutants; emissions |
Karin Andersson | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritim miljövetenskap |
Keywords: Sjöfart, Marina bränslen, fartygs energisysystem, miljöutvärdering, metanol, elektrobränslen, växthusgaser, emissioner, shipping, marine fuels, defossilization of shipping, ship energy systems, environmental assessment, methanol, electrofuels, GHG, emissions |
Oskar Johansson | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritim miljövetenskap |
Keywords: |
Fayas Malik Kanchiralla | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritim miljövetenskap |
Keywords: life cycle assessment, life cycle costing, energy modeling, marine fuels, electro-fuel, battery electric, electro-mobility |
Maria Lagerström | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritim miljövetenskap |
Keywords: Antifouling paint;båtbottenfärg;biocide;biocider;XRF;miljökemi;environmental chemistry;biofouling;påväxt;metaller;metals |
Anna Lunde Hermansson | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritim miljövetenskap |
Keywords: |
Elin Malmgren | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritim miljövetenskap |
Keywords: maritima bränslen, elektrobränslen, koldioxidinfångning, livscykelanalys, marine fuel, propulsion systems, electrofuel, carbon capture, environmental impacts, life cycle assessment |
Maria Grahn | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritime Studies |
Keywords: Globalt energisystem, alternativa transportbränslen, optimering,
modellering, koldioxid, CO2,, Global Energy System, Transportation Fuel, Optimization, CO2 emissions |
Ida-Maja Hassellöv | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritime Studies |
Keywords: |
Amanda Nylund | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritime Studies |
Keywords: |
Kent Salo | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | Maritime Studies |
Keywords: SOA, aerosoler, organisk kemi, atmosfärskemi, terpener, SOA aerosols terpenes |
Angela Hillemyr | Chalmers | Mechanics and Maritime Sciences | |
Keywords: |
Henriette Philipson | GU | Medicine | Clinical nutrition |
Keywords: Hållbar utveckling,källsortering ,energibesparing,miljögifter i naturen |
Magdalena Taube | GU | Medicine | Molecular and clinical medicine |
Keywords: |
Pernilla Almerud | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: exponerinsvärdering, yrkes- och miljöhygieniska mätmetoder, cancerframkallande ämnen, vedrök |
Florencia Harari Thuresson | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: Metaller, bly, kadmium, arsenik, litium, långlivade organiska miljögifter, PCBs, PFAS, miljöepidemiologi, kardiovaskulär epidemiologi, metals, lead, cadmium, arsenic, lithium, persistent organic pollutants, PCBs, PFAS, environmental epidemiology, cardiovascular epidemiology. |
Sandra Johannesson | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: Luftföroreningar, partiklar, kvicksilver, Air pollution, particles, mercury |
Karl Kilbo Edlund | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: Luftföroreningar, njurfunktion, hjärtkärlsjukdomar, air pollution, renal function, cardiovascular disease |
Peter Molnár | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: |
Kerstin Persson Waye | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: förskolebuller, skolbuller, lågfrekvent buller, vindkraft, intensivvård, hälsoeffekter, sömn, hörsel och stress relaterade besvär, ljudkvalitet nätverk, low frequency noise, effects on human, workperformance, stress,
psycho-acoustic evaluations, windturbine sounds, annoyance |
Gerd Sällsten | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: exponerinsvärdering, yrkes- och miljöhygieniska mätmetoder, metaller,
lösningsmedel, cancerframkallande ämnen, vedrök, biomonitorering |
Mia Söderberg | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: Psykosocial, hjärtsjukdom, arbetsåtergång, psychosocial, heart disease, return to work |
Fabian Taube | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: exponerinsvärdering, yrkeshygieniska mätmetoder,biomonitorering, jämviktskemi, ytkemi, fastfaskemi, kemiska hälsorisker, exposure assessments, biomonitoring, equilibrium chemistry, surface chemistry, solid state chemistry, chemical health risks |
Håkan Tinnerberg | GU | Medicine | Occupational and environmental medicine |
Keywords: Exponering, luftburen, biomarkörer |
Ann-Charlotte Almstrand | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: Exhaled air, biomarkers, exposure |
Eva Andersson | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: |
Lars Barregård | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: Toxiska metaller, luftföroreningar, miljömedicin, hälsa, Toxic metals, air pollution, environmental medicine, health |
Agneta Blomberg | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: folkhälsa, arbetsmiljö och hälsa, försäkringsmedicin, public health, occupational health, insurance medicine |
Johan Dahlstrand | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: adolescent mental health |
Gunnel Hensing | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: |
Monica Hunsberger | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: |
Gunilla Krantz | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: Violence, trauma, Undernutrition, low income countries, epidemiology, maternal health |
Nawi Ng | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: epidemiological transition, chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, aging, risk factors, quality of life, disability |
Max Petzold | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: |
Leo Stockfelt | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: luftföroreningar, hälsa, vedrök, biomarkörer, hälsokonsekvensberäkningar, air pollution, health, wood smoke, biomarkers, health impact assessments |
Marianne Törner | GU | Medicine | Public Health and Community Medicine |
Keywords: |
Annie Palstam | GU | Neuroscience and physiology | Clinical neuroscience and rehabilitation |
Keywords: |
Petra Hammarström Johansson | GU | Odontology | Prosthodontics/dental materials science |
Keywords: |
Håkan Fleischer | GU | Other (GU) | PIL-enheten |
Keywords: academic development, pedagogisk utveckling, implementering, implementation |
Jenny Stenberg | GU | Other (GU) | |
Keywords: |
Anette Olin | GU | Pedagogical, curricular and professional studies | General Didactics and Pedagogic Work |
Keywords: Lärares lärande och utveckling, aktionsforskning, samarbete lärare-forskare, skolutveckling
Teachers learning and development, action research, teacher-researcher collaboration, school development |
Sally Windsor | GU | Pedagogical, curricular and professional studies | General Didactics and Pedagogic Work |
Keywords: |
Åke Ingerman | GU | Pedagogical, curricular and professional studies | |
Keywords: lärande, undervisning, teknik, hållbar utveckling, teknisk bildning, learning, teaching, technology, sustainable development, technological
literacy |
Eva Nyberg | GU | Pedagogical, curricular and professional studies | |
Keywords: lärande, kompetensutveckling, hållbar utveckling, ekologi, biologiska livscykler, formativ utvärdering, learning, in-service training, education for sustainable development (ESD), ecology, biological life cycles, formative assessment, cognition and aesthetics |
Helena Pedersen | GU | Pedagogical, curricular and professional studies | |
Keywords: pedagogik, kritiska djurstudier, utbildningsfilosofi, hållbar utveckling, Antropocen, posthumanism, pedagogy, critical animal studies, philosophy of education, sustainable development, Anthropocene, posthumanism |
Bengt O Tedeborg | GU | Pedagogical, curricular and professional studies | |
Keywords: |
Alexina Thorén Williams | GU | Pedagogical, curricular and professional studies | |
Keywords: |
Jasmine Elliott | GU | Philosophy, linguistics and theory of science | Practical Philosophy |
Keywords: |
Joakim Sandberg | GU | Philosophy, linguistics and theory of science | Practical Philosophy |
Keywords: environmental ethics, sustainable finance, sustainable investment |
Petra Andersson | GU | Philosophy, linguistics and theory of science | |
Keywords: natur, miljöetik, naturbruk, djur, djuretik, nature, environmental ethics, land use, natural resources, animals, animal ethics |
Bengt Brülde | GU | Philosophy, linguistics and theory of science | |
Keywords: Klimatetik, klimaträttvisa, global rättvisa, livskvalitet, lycka, hälsa, miljöetik, Climate ethics, sustainability, climate justice, global justice, well-being (quality of life), happiness, health, environmental ethics |
Dick Kasperowski | GU | Philosophy, linguistics and theory of science | |
Keywords: citizen science, participatory practices, open collaborative project, open science |
Christian Munthe | GU | Philosophy, linguistics and theory of science | |
Keywords: Etik, Försiktighetsprincipen, Hållbar utveckling, Miljöetik, Miljöfilosofi,
Riskvärdering, antibiotikaresistens, Keywords
Environmental ethics, Environmental philsophy, Ethics, Precautionary
principle, Risk evaluation, Sustainable development |
Julie Gold | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Biological physics |
Keywords: |
Si Chen | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Bionanophotonics |
Keywords: Nano particles, sensor, optics, spectroscopy |
Dinko Chakarov | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Chemical physics |
Keywords: vatten, syre, ozon, CO, NOx, sot, damm, is, katalysator, adsorption, foton(be)strålning, fotokemi, atmosfäriska processer, gasifiering av kol, katalytisk avgasrening., water, ice oxygen, /ozone, CO, NOx soot, dust, salt, ice, catalyst, adsorption, photon irradiation, photo chemistry, atmospheric processes, carbon gasification , catalytic emission cleaning. |
Patrik Johansson | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Condensed matter physics |
Keywords: elektrolyter, batterier, bränsleceller, material, modellering |
Tünde Fülöp | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Nuclear engineering |
Keywords: fusion, plasma, transport, stabilitet, energi, fusion, plasma, transport, stability, energy |
Bengt-Erik Mellander | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Nuclear engineering |
Keywords: |
Björn Jonson | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Subatomic physics |
Keywords: radon, mätning, kalibrering, mätinstrument, kadmium, neutronaktivering, Radon, measurements, calibration, measuring devices, Cadmium, neutron activation |
Göran Nyman | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Subatomic physics |
Keywords: radon, mätning, kalibrering, mätinstrument, kadmium, neutronaktivering, Radon, measurements, calibration, measuring devices, Cadmium, neutron activation |
Imre Pázsit | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | Subatomär, högenergi och plasmafysik |
Keywords: Energpiroduktion; brusdiagnostik; kärnteknik; neutronradiografi, neutronaktivering; materialprov; positroner, Energy production; noise diagnostics; nuclear techniques; neutron radiography; neutron activation. |
Annemarie Wagner | Chalmers | Physics (Chalmers) | |
Keywords: Miljörelaterad atmosfärsvetenskap, mätmetoder för spårelement, GF-AAS, EDXRF, XRF, Environment, atmospheric processes, measurement of trace elements, GF AAS,
Ingvar Albinsson | GU | Physics (GU) | |
Keywords: Bränsleceller, Batterier, Fasta elektrolyter, Fasta jonledare, Protonledning, Oxider, Polymerer, Kompositer, Keramer, Dielektrisk analys, Impedansanalys, Termisk analys., Fuel cells, Batteries, Solid electrolytes, Solid ion conductors, Proton conduction, Oxides, Polymers, Composites, Ceramics, Dielectric analysis, Impedance analysis, Thermal analysis. |
Ingela Bursjöö | GU | Physics (GU) | |
Keywords: lärande för hållbar utveckling, undervisningspraktik, transformativt lärande, praktiknära forskning, professionsforskning, scientific literacy, technological literacy, STSE: science-technology-society-enviroment |
Bernhard Mehlig | GU | Physics (GU) | |
Keywords: Turbulence, rain clouds, rain initiaion, droplet collisions |
Giovanni Volpe | GU | Physics (GU) | |
Keywords: optisk pincett, aktiv materia, neurovetenskap, artificiell intelligens, optical tweezers, active matter, neurosciences, artificial intelligence |
Monika Bauhr | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: Internationell miljöpolitik, opinionsbildning om miljöfrågor,
miljöpsykologi klimatförändringspolitik, International environmental politics, public opinion formation,
environmental psychology, climate change politics and policy, Scandinavia,
Southern Africa |
Dragana Davidovic | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: Miljöpolitik, styrmedelsacceptans, miljöskatter, klimatförändringar, tillit, korruption, Environmental politics, climate policy, public opinion, environmental taxes, climate change, trust, corruption, quality of government |
Sverker Jagers | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: miljö, demokrati, opinion, institutioner, rättvisa, lärande för hållbar utveckling |
Lennart J. Lundqvist | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: |
Ulrika Möller | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: fiskeriförvaltning, miljö och säkerhet, fishery management, environmental security |
Marina Povitkina | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: demokrati, korruption, institutioner, östater, SIDS, jämförande miljöpolitik, democracy, corruption, quality of government, institutions, island states, SIDS, comparative environmental politics |
Martin Sjöstedt | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: |
Aksel Sundström | GU | Political science | Environmental political studies |
Keywords: korruption, naturresurser, corruption, natural resources |
Ellen Lust | GU | Political science | Program on Governance and Local Development |
Keywords: local governance, development, sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East |
Frida Boräng | GU | Political science | |
Keywords: |
Niklas Harring | GU | Political science | |
Keywords: Sociala dilemman, samarbete, miljöpolitik, miljöopinion, klimatopinion, attityder till miljöpolitiska styrmedel, politisk tillit, social tillit, värderingar, korruption, Large scale collective action, environmental politics, attitudes to pro-environmental policy instruments, political trust, social trust, values, corruption, quality of government, public opinion towards the environment, public opinion on climate change |
Marina Nistotskaya | GU | Political science | |
Keywords: collective action |
FREDERIK PFEIFFER | GU | Political science | |
Keywords: deliberative democracy, environmental politics, collective action, public opinion, democratic processes |
Jon Pierre | GU | Political science | |
Keywords: Institutionalism, urban governance, global-local relations |
Bo Rothstein | GU | Political science | |
Keywords: |
Cecilia Bergstad | GU | Psychology | Environmental psychology unit |
Keywords: Environmental psykology, sustainable transport, energy policy, energy behaviours, motivation, people environment interaction, wellbeing, sustainable consumption |
André Hansla | GU | Psychology | Environmental psychology unit |
Keywords: värdeorientering, miljöoro, miljömedvetenhet, miljökonsekvenser, grön el, value orientation, environmental concern, awareness-of-consequences beliefs, green electricity, ecolabeling |
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad | GU | Psychology | Environmental psychology unit |
Keywords: bilanvändning, attityder, ekonomiska styrmedel, beslutsprocess, car use, attitudes, decision process, travel demand management measures |
Debora Lombardi | GU | Psychology | Environmental psychology unit |
Keywords: environmental psychology, sustainable transport, safety, well-being, experimental approach |
Johan Andreas Nilsson | GU | Psychology | Environmental psychology unit |
Keywords: värden, normer, attityder, miljöstyrmedel, values, norms, attitudes, environmental policy instruments |
Sofiia Skipor | GU | Psychology | Environmental psychology unit |
Keywords: |
Chris von Borgstede | GU | Psychology | Environmental psychology unit |
Keywords: klimatförändringar, politiska medel, sociala normer, sociala dilemman, climate change, policy measure, social norms, social dilemma |
Ylva Norén Bretzer | GU | Public administration | Sustainable development |
Keywords: socialt kapital, förtroende, gräsrotsbyråkrater, miljöchefer, miljöbalken,
organisation, kommuner, tillsyn, social capital, trust, grassroot bureaucrats, environmental managers,
environmental code of law, municipalities, environmental monitoring |
Stig Montin | GU | Public administration | |
Keywords: Lokaldemokrati, delaktighet, kommuner, klimatpolitik, nätverk, civilsamhälle |
Patrik Zapata | GU | Public administration | |
Keywords: City organising, informal settlements, sustainable development, waste management, local governments, scandology, organization theory, management, sociological institutional theory, labour market integration |
Karl-Johan Skogh | GU | School of design and crafts | Enheten för design |
Keywords: |
Annelies Vaneycken | GU | School of design and crafts | Enheten för design |
Keywords: participatory design, human rights, sustainability, social inclusion, child culture design, public space |
Helena Hansson | GU | School of design and crafts | |
Keywords: |
Helena Kraff | GU | School of design and crafts | |
Keywords: |
Thomas Laurien | GU | School of design and crafts | |
Keywords: kritiska djurstudier, biodiversitet, miljöhumaniora, critical animal studies, biodiversity, environmental humanities |
Jayeon Lee | GU | Social work | Social work in change |
Keywords: social policy, sustainable welfare, eco-social policy, eco-welfare state, socialpolitik, hållbar välfärd, ekosocialpolitik, fördelningspolitik |
Kristina Alstam | GU | Social work | |
Keywords: |
Björn Andersson | GU | Social work | |
Keywords: |
Lena Andersson | GU | Social work | Other |
Keywords: Psykisk ohälsa, hälsa-och sjukvårds access, mänskliga rättigheter, fattigdomsbekämpning, mental health, health care, human rights, poverty alleviation |
Elisabeth Punzi | GU | Social work | |
Keywords: psykisk ohälsa, missbruk, migration, person-centrerade insatser, socialt arbete, psykologi, psykiatri, kreativa aktiviteter, kulturarv, kritiska perspektiv
mental distress, substance abuse, migration, person-centred interventions,social work, psychology, psychiatry, creative activities, heritage, critical perspectives |
Anna Ryan Bengtsson | GU | Social work | |
Keywords: Välfärdspolitik, offentlig sektor, omställning, makt, motstånd.
Welfare policies, public sector, sustainability, power, resistance |
Ylva Wallinder | GU | Social work | |
Keywords: Social sustainability, social inclusion, inequality, urban gardening |
Göran Sundqvist | GU | Sociology and work science | Science and technology studies |
Keywords: vetenskapssociologi, vetenskapliga kontroverser, experter, risk,
kärnavfall, beslutsfattande, demokrati, teknokrati, sociology of science, environmental sociology, regulation, nuclear waste,
transboundary air pollution |
Adel Daoud | GU | Sociology and work science | |
Keywords: |
Lotta Dellve | GU | Sociology and work science | |
Keywords: Hållbar hälsa, psykosocial arbetsmilö, Hållbara system/organisation i sjukvården, Ledarskap och hållbar hälsa, stress, Sustainable health, sustainable health care system, psychosocial factors, work environment, stress, organisation, leadership |
Åse Eliason Bjurström | GU | Sociology and work science | Other |
Keywords: |
Bengt Furåker | GU | Sociology and work science | |
Keywords: arbetsmarknad, arbetsliv, arbetslöshet, arbetsmarknadspolitik, arbetsvillkor, fackligt samarbete, social hållbarhet |
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand | GU | Sociology and work science | |
Keywords: polisiär kontroll, bevakningsbranschen, ideellt deltagande, samverkan, marginalisering och hemlöshet, brottsofferstöd. |
Thomas Jordan | GU | Sociology and work science | |
Keywords: |
Bertil Rolandsson | GU | Sociology and work science | |
Keywords: |
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson | GU | Sociology and work science | |
Keywords: yrke, profession, status, prestige, erkännande, HR, occupation, profession, prestige, recognition, HR |
Anders Winnberg | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Astronomy and Plasma Physics |
Keywords: atmosfär; stratosfär; mesosfär; ozon; kolmonoxid; klormonoxid; spektroskopi; radio; millimetervågor; radioastronomi; |
Isabel Canete Vela | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: Circular economy, plastic waste, mixed waste, textiles, recycling, gasification, pyrolysis, thermochemical recycling |
Anna Emanuelsson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: |
Simon Harvey | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: energieffektivisering, processindustri, biobränsleanvändning, styrmedel,
kraftvärme, växthusgasbalanser, energimarknader, energy efficiency, process industry, biofuel usage, policy instruments,
cogeneration, greenhouse gas balances, energy markets |
Filip Johnsson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: Strömningsförlopp, omblandning, förbränning, fluidiserad bädd, fluidisering, CO2-fri förbränning, O2/CO2 förbränning, uthålliga energisystem, bärkraftig, infrastrukturella förändringar, Flow phenomena, mixing, combustion, fluidized beds, fluidization, CO2 free combustion, O2/CO2 combustion, sustainable energy systems, infrastructural changes. |
Ida Karlsson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: Zero emissions, carbon mitigation, deep decarbonisation, technology pathways, supply chains, buildings, infrastructure, |
Anders Lyngfelt | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: förbränning; kol; fluidiserad bädd; virvelbädd; svavel; svaveldioxid; kalksten; kalk; kalciumsulfat; avsvavling; emissionsbegränsning; miljöteknik; fullskaleförsök; kalcium;, fluidized bed combustion; emissions; sulphur capture; N2O reduction; NO reduction; CO2 capture; chemical-looping combustion |
Daofeng Mei | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: Chemical looping, combustion, carbon capture |
Johan Rootzén | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: handel med utsläppsrättigheter, klimatutmaningen, industri, kraft och värmesektorn, utsläpp av växthusgaser, EU, policy, emission trading, climate change mitigation,industry, power and heat sector, greenhouse gas emissions, European Union, energy policy, climate policy |
Georgia Savvidou | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: |
Elin Svensson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: processintegration, energieffektivisering, processindustri, optimering under osäkerhet, energimarknader, process integration, energy efficiency, process industry, optimization under uncertainty, energy markets |
Simon Öberg | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Energy Technology |
Keywords: renewable energy, gas turbine, hydrogen, variation management, energy systems modelling |
Santiago Arellano | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Geovetenskap och fjärranalys |
Keywords: Miljöfysik, vulkaner, atmosfär, spektroskopi; Environmental physics, volcanoes, atmosphere, spectroscopy |
Erik Holmgren | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Geovetenskap och fjärranalys |
Keywords: Climate, Cryosphere, Moisture transport, Arctic |
Alexander Vladimir Conde Jacobo | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: |
Leif Eriksson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: Skog, biomassa, kalhygge, stormskador, hav, vind, havsströmmar, havsis, radar, fjärranalys, Forest, biomass, clear-cut, storm-damage, ocean, wind, sea surface current, sea-ice, radar, remote sensing |
Patrick Eriksson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: stratosfäriskt ozon; millimetervågor; inverteringsalgoritmer; ozon; satellit; UV-ljus;, Ozone chemistry and depletion, atmospheric water, atmospheric dynamics,
upper troposphere, statosphere, mesosphere, remote sensing, radiative
transfer, inversion methodology |
Olof Forssén | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: Arctic, Arctic Amplification, feedback processes, återkopplingsprocesser, CARRA, remote sensing, fjärranalysis |
Hannah Frostenberg | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: |
Bo Galle | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: |
Luisa Ickes | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: |
Johan Mellqvist | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: Optisk, fjärranalys, gas, emissioner, industri, fartyg, vulkaner, atmosfärsmätning, Optical, remote sensing, gas, emissions, industry, ships, volcanoes, atmospheric change, global change |
Jana Mendrok | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: fjärranalys , moln, nederbörd, is, strålningstransport, remote sensing, clouds, precipitation, ice, radiative transfer |
Donal P Murtagh | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: ozon, fjärranalys, växthuseffekt, CFC, Odin, Envisat, stoft, GOME, Ozone, remote sensing, greenhouse effect, CFC, Odin, Envisat, aerosols, GOME |
Maxime Prignon | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing |
Keywords: air quality, pollution, remote sensing, atmospheric composition |
John Conway | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Onsala Space Observatory |
Keywords: Klimatförändring, utbildning, fjärranalys, Climate change, remote sensing, public education |
Gunnar Elgered | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Onsala Space Observatory |
Keywords: Atmosfärens vattenånga, fjärranalys, växthusgas, Global Positioning System, GPS, radiometeorologi, rymdgeodesi, mikrovågsradiometri, atmosfärsstrålning, Atmospheric water vapour, remote sensing, green-house gas, Global Positioning System, GPS, radio meteorology, space geodesy, microwave radiometry, atmospheric radiation |
Peter Forkman | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Onsala Space Observatory |
Keywords: Fjärranalys, mikrovågor, radiometri, stratosfär, mesosfär, kolmonoxid, vattenånga, Remote sensing, microwaves, radiometers, stratosphere, mesosphere, carbon monoxide, water vapour. |
David Andersson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: |
Christian Azar | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: CO2 systemanalys, modellering, komplexa system, CO2 emissions , energy modeling |
Göran Berndes | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: fysisk resursteori; bärkraftighetsprinciper; samhällets ämnesomsättning; kompostering; biodegradabilitet;, physical resource theory; sustainability; cyclonomy; composting; biodegradability; |
Selma Brynolf | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: fartygsbränsle, LCA, systemanalys, sjöfartstransporter, marine fuels, LCA, systems analysis, maritime transportation |
Christel Cederberg | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: |
Karl-Erik Eriksson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: termodynamik; exergi; informationsteori; struktur; komplexitet; självorganisation; energi- och materialbalanser; fysiska resurser; ekologisk ekonomi; energi- och resursplanering; |
Fredrik Hedenus | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: växthuseffekten, energisystem, diskontering, överlappande generationsmodell, optimering, ojämlikhet, Global warming, energysystem, discounting, OLG, optimization, inequality |
John Holmberg | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: |
Johan Holmén | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: sustainability transitions, transformations, backcasting, social learning, education for sustainable development, governance, Agenda 2030
hållbar omställning, transformation, backcasting, socialt lärande, utbildning och lärande för hållbar utveckling, styrning och ledning, Agenda 2030 |
Niklas Jakobsson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: |
Daniel Johansson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: Kyoto, modellering, styrmedel, metan, koldioxid, osäkerheter, Kyoto, modelling, policy instruments, methane, carbon dioxide,
uncertainties |
Sten Karlsson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: Exergi; atmosfär; energi- och materialflöden; energianalys; scenarier; indikatorer; bärkraftighet; framtidsstudie; nyckeltal |
Jörgen Larsson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: hållbar konsumtion, hållbara semestervanor, styrmedel avseende långväga resande och mat |
Kristian Lindgren | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: |
Ulrika Lundqvist | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: sustainability assessment, sustainability criteria, sustainability indicators, backcasting, industrial ecology, education for sustainable development |
Johannes Morfeldt | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: |
Jonas Nässén | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: Energi, koldioxid, energieffektivisering, materialsubstitution, byggnation, bostäder, styrmedel |
Martin Persson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: Växthuseffekten, koldioxid, metan, avskogning, Climate change, carbon dioxide, methane, deforestation |
Frances Sprei | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: hållbar mobilitet, elbilar, delad mobilitet,självkörande bilar energieffektivisering, policy, sustainable mobility, electric vehicles, shared mobility, autonomous vehicles, energy efficiency, policy |
Stefan Wirsenius | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Physical Resource Theory |
Keywords: ekologisk ekonomi; bärkraftigt samhälle; bärkraftig utveckling; ekonomiska styrmedel; beslutsunderlag; miljöpolitik; |
Alejandro Baró Pérez | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | Other |
Keywords: |
Niclas Mattsson | Chalmers | Space, Earth and Environment | |
Keywords: energisystem, modeller, lärkurvor, erfarenhetskurvor, solceller, energy systems, models, learning curves, experience curves,
photovoltaics |
Rahul Aggarwal | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: Forever Chemicals, LCA, PFAS, MCDA, LCIA, GWP |
Henrikke Baumann | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: livscykelanalys; beslutsmodeller; industrins miljöarbete, environmental management, life cycle assessment |
Tomas Ekvall | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: life cycle assessment, allocation, system boundaries, waste management, energy, policy assessment, futures studies, cost-benefit analysis, sustainability assessment |
Adeline Jerome | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: |
Maria Ljunggren Söderman | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: |
Kavya Michael | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: urban, gender, informality, energy, climate change adaptation, climate justice, migration |
Sverker Molander | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: |
Anna Nyström Claesson | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: |
Ulrika Palme | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: hållbarhetsindikatorer, miljösystemanalys, markanvändning, biologisk mångfald, lärande för hållbar utveckling, sustainable development indicators, environmental systems analysis, land use, biodiversity, education for sustainable development |
Greg Peters | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: livcykelanalys, hållbarhetsbedömning, selen, vatten, biosolids, hushållsprodukter, jordbruk, life cycle assessment, sustainability, selenium, water, biosolids, household products, agriculture |
Sesha Raghavan | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: Elektromobilitet, teknoekonomiska bedömningar, LCA, växthusgas reducering, elektrisk kraft-transport interaktion, kvantitativ policyanalys ;
Electromobility, technoeconomic analysis, LCA, GHG mitigation, electric power-transport interaction, quantitative policy analysis |
Björn Sandén | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: Teknikval, risk, systemanalys, teknikspridning, teknikinlåsning, innovationssystem, resurser, transporter, bränsle, solceller, metaller, vätgas, bränsleceller, energi, växthuseffekten |
Bengt Steen | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: LCA, Miljöanpassad produktutveckling, miljöpåverkansbedömning, LCA, Life Cycle Assessment, sustainable, product development, monetär värdering |
Magdalena Svanström | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental systems analysis |
Keywords: hållbarhetsbedömning, livscykelanalys, lärande för hållbar utveckling, sustainability assessment, life cycle assessment, education for sustainable development |
Anne-Marie Tillman | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Environmental Systems Analysis |
Keywords: livscykelanlys; LCA; vaggan till graven analys; produktcykelanalys; miljöprofil;, environmental systems technology, environmental systems analysis, life cycle
assessment, LCA, environmental decision support tools |
Anna Dubois | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Industrial marketing |
Keywords: Industrial purchasing, Supply Chain Management, supplier relationships,
supplier structures, sourcing strategy, joint technical development |
Kajsa Hulthén | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Industrial marketing |
Keywords: distribution, nätverk, logistik, supply chain mangagement, distribution, networks, logistics, supply chain management |
Ceren Altuntas Vural | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Logistics and transportation |
Keywords: value co-creation, logistics services, logistics service provider, transportation, shipping, sustainable supply chains |
Sönke Behrends | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Logistics and transportation |
Keywords: hållbarhet, godstransport, kombi transport, sustainability, urban transport, freight transport, intermodal transport |
Magnus Blinge | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Logistics and transportation |
Keywords: drivmedel; alternativa bränslen; |
Juan Castrellon | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Logistics and transportation |
Keywords: urban freight transport, liveable streets, freight parking, urban freight electrification, urbana godstransporter, beboeliga gator, godsparkering, urban godselektrifiering |
Arni Halldorsson | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Logistics and transportation |
Keywords: supply chain management; strategic sourcing; supplier relationships; supply chain disruptions; lean |
Mats Johansson | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Logistics and transportation |
Keywords: Logistics, Supply chain |
Maria Lindholm | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Logistics and transportation |
Keywords: Godstransporter, hållbara transporter, transporter i städer, Freight transport, sustainable transport, urban transport |
Karl Palmås | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Management of organizational renewal and entrepreneurship |
Keywords: |
Carla Gonçalves Machado | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Operations management |
Keywords: |
Andreas Hellström | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Quality sciences |
Keywords: |
Mariam Carlsson Kanyama | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Science, Technology and Society |
Keywords: sustainable water management, rights of nature, ecological restoration, posthumanism, decoloniality |
Karl De fine licht | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Science, Technology and Society |
Keywords: etik, social hållbarhet, stadsutveckling, AI,, ethics, social sustainability, urban development, AI, artificial intelligence |
Kristoffer Ekberg | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Science, Technology and Society |
Keywords: Miljöhistoria, politisk historia, sociala rörelser, utopi, modern historia, klimatförnekelse, Environmental history, political history, social movements, utopia, modern history, climate change denial |
Martin Hultman | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Science, Technology and Society |
Keywords: |
Catharina Landström | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Science, Technology and Society |
Keywords: |
Julia Ravanis | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Science, Technology and Society |
Keywords: Teknikhistoria, vetenskapshistoria, datorhistoria, kalla kriget, teoretisk fysik, genushistoria |
Angelica Wågström | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Science, Technology and Society |
Keywords: energihumaniora, feministisk politisk ekologi, omställning, energi, omsorg, energy humanities, feminist political ecology, FPE, transition, energy, care |
Jan Bröchner | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Service management |
Keywords: byggande, fastighetsförvaltning, upphandling, affärsutveckling, ekologiska kriterier, konsultverksamhet, tjänster, construction, facilities management, procurement, business development, ecological criteria, consultancy, services |
Pernilla Gluch | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Service management |
Keywords: Miljöledning, projektorganisationer, beslutsfattande, byggande, MISTRA Bygg, Environmental Management, projectorganizations, decision making, construction, MISTRA Sustainable Building |
Anna Kadefors | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Service management |
Keywords: |
Erik Bohlin | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Technology and society |
Keywords: informationssamhället, telekommunikation, hållbar utveckling, information society, telecommunications, sustainable development |
Gustav Sjöblom | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | Technology and society |
Keywords: transporter, innovation, IT, samhällssäkerhet, transport, innovation, IT, security |
Helene Ahlborg | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | |
Keywords: institutioner, renewable energy, Africa, electrification, gender, power, poverty, interdisciplinary, socio-technological-ecological systems, social sustainability, resource management, institutions, |
Kristina Dobricic | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | |
Keywords: |
Tomas Kåberger | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | |
Keywords: |
Stina Månsson | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | |
Keywords: |
Robin Teigland | Chalmers | Technology management and economics | |
Keywords: ocean, ai, emerging technologies, circular economy |
Per Assmo | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
Keywords: arbetsintegrerat lärande, work integrated learning, internationalisation, internationalisering, hållbar samhällsutveckling, sustainable societal planning |
Lisa Bomble | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
Keywords: medskapande, samhällsplanering, hållbarhet, samverkan, lokalsamhälle, co-creation, urban planning, spatial planning, societal planning, sustainability, collaboration, community, collaborative planning |
Hakan Inal | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
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Tuba Inal | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
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Thomas Pederson | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Persuasive Computing, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality |
Vasileios Petrogiannis | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
Keywords: gender, sexuality, migration, integration, social sustainability |
Laurence Piper | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
Keywords: citizenship, democracy, urban governance, work-integrated learning |
Hannah Saldert | HV | The School of Business, Economics and IT | |
Keywords: Social sustainability, sustainability paradoxes, goal conflicts, knowledge integration, social hållbarhet, hållbarhetsparadoxer, målkonflikter, kunskapsintegrering |
Kristina Nilsson Lindström | GU | | |
Keywords: turism, policy, tourism, policy |
Karl Dahlquist | HV | | |
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Johan Dahlström | HV | | |
Keywords: Recycling, Sustainable production of li-ion |
Ellen Gute | Chalmers | | |
Keywords: trans-disciplinarity, inter-disciplinarity, atmospheric science, climate, water |
Jaan-Henrik Kain | GU | | |
Keywords: hållbar stadsutveckling, planering, socioteknisk, avfall, planeringsprocess, sustainable urban development, planning, sociotechnical, waste, planning process |
Gabriella Olshammar | GU | | |
Keywords: Bebyggelseforskning |
Sandra Valencia | Chalmers | | |
Keywords: urban sustainability; Sustainable Development Goals; New Urban Agenda; climate change; climate governance; climate change adaptation; co-production; peri-urban |
Nathalie Östergård | HV | | |
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