Sökord | hållbar landsbygdsutveckling, hållbara försörjningssystem, tvärvetenskap,
Kenya, Shaanxi, Kina, klimatförändringar, markanvändning, sårbarhet,
anpassning, sustainable rural development, sustainable livelihoods, interdisciplinary,
Kenya, Shaanxi, China, climate change, land use, vulnerability, adaptation |
Egen hemsida: http://www.he.gu.se/personal/default.html
Per Knutsson is involved in interdisciplinary research on sustainable
rural development in East Africa and Shaanxi, China. "The Sustainable
Livelihoods Approach" is used as an analytical framework in order to
advance our understanding of the impacts of simultanous changes in climate
as well as land use- and socio-economic policies on rural livelihoods.
Results are already or very soon available as published articles in Land
Degradation and Development (12:2001) and Climatic Change (xx:2005), and
in a project report(http://www.gvc.gu.se/NGEO/rcg/madde/finalreport.pdf)
klimatförändringar, landsbygdsutveckling. Afrika, Kina, fiske, Centralamerika
Forskarutbildningens startår: 2001
Beräknat examensår: 2005
Handledare: Merritt Polk
Handledarens institution: OVS, avdelningen för humanekologi
Biträdande handledare: Madelene Ostwald
Biträdande handledares institution: Geovetarcentrum, Naturgeografi
Examinator: Hans Egneus, Humanekologi |