Jan-Olof Dalenbäck

UniversityChalmers University of Technology
DepartmentArchitecture and Civil Engineering
DivisionBuilding Services Engineering
KeywordsSolvärme, solvärmesystem, solfångare, solenergi, solceller, värmesystem, värmedistribution, värmepumpar, värmelager, värmebehov, kylsystem, kylmaskiner, kylbehov, elbehov, elanvändning, ventilationsbehov, ventilationssystem, inomhusklimat, luftkvalitet, termisk komfort, energi, building services engineering, solar heating systems

Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish www.chalmers.se/personer/jan-olof-dalenback
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English www.chalmers.se/en/persons/jan-olof-dalenback
Networks/thematic areasSustanable Urban Development

Reasearch / work
Extensive experience in evaluation, simulation (TRNSYS, etc.), planning and design of solar heating systems. Extensive experience as tutor and teacher in Building Services Engineering. Good knowledge of planning and design of heating, ventilation and air-