Mariam Carlsson Kanyama

UniversityChalmers University of Technology
DepartmentTechnology management and economics
DivisionScience, Technology and Society
PhD student
Keywordssustainable water management, rights of nature, ecological restoration, posthumanism, decoloniality

Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English
Networks/thematic areasGlobal perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries
SDG:s11. Sustainable cities and communities, 13. Climate action, 14. Life below water, 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Reasearch / work
The PhD project is part of a larger project funded by Formas Vems vattenkropp?. The purpose of the research project is to investigate how the habitat of Lake Vättern, including all more than human beings, would change if Lake Vättern was recognized as a legal entity. The research project will explore what restorative justice for Lake Vättern entails including what the right to ecological restoration of the habitat at lake Vättern means. The PhD project will also explore the link between the rights of environmental defenders at Lake Vättern and the health of the lake Vättern habitat. The study will draw on previous research and various legal instruments that regulate the rights of environmental defenders in relation to earth rights, such as the Escazu Agreement a regional agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean. Theoretical frameworks posthumanism in STS, theories on decoloniality, restoration ecology and research on aquatic ecosystems