Per Assmo

UniversityUniversity West
DepartmentThe School of Business, Economics and IT
Keywordsarbetsintegrerat lärande, work integrated learning, internationalisation, internationalisering, hållbar samhällsutveckling, sustainable societal planning

Website University West, in Swedish
Website University West, in English
Networks/thematic areasGlobal perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries, Sustanable Urban Development, Centre for Work and Employment Research Centre (WE)
SDG:s4. Quality education, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions, 17. Partnerships for the goals
RegionsSub-Saharan Africa
CountrySydafrika, South Africa

Reasearch / work
BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH INTERESTS During the 90’s, I conducted field research and did development work as an SIDA expert in East Africa. After returning to Sweden I received my PhD in Human and Economic Geography at Göteborg University in 1999 with a thesis entitled; Livelihood Strategies and Land Degradation - Perceptions among Small-Scale Farmers in Ng'iresi Village, Tanzania. My networks and research interest in Africa, and particularly South Africa, has continued and expanded over the years. Already in year 2000, I started a collaboration with the Geography Department at Rhodes University. I am since 2009 appointed as Visiting professor to Rhodes University. In more recent years I have also initiated a close educational and research collaboration with the Department for Political Studies at University of Western Cape (UWC), and I am since 2017 appointed as Extraordinary Associate Professor to University of Western Cape. Apart from my collaboration with South African universities, I have also been attached part-time as researcher and co-ordinator at the Department for Management and Engineering at Linköping University during the period 2007-2015. However, I have, since my employment started in 2001, always kept my base and main educational and research activities at University West. In 2009 I was appointed Associate Professor, and in 2018 I became professor in human and Economic Geography at University West. I have a profound engagement and research interest focusing on the African continent, as well as in Sweden. I started in the 90’s focusing on rural sustainable development in Africa, which later also became a field of interest in a Swedish context. My research interests have over the years come to include also other areas such as; Sustainable Development, Creative Industries, Migration and Integration, Internationalisation of Higher Education, and Work Integrated Learning. In many of these research areas I have explored the concept of time-spatial approaches, largely developing the concept of Time-Geography initially founded by Torsten Hägerstrand. EDUCATION/SUPERVISION I have more than 20 years of national and international teaching experience at undergraduate as well as post-graduate level, giving lectures and courses in; Sweden, South Africa, Switzerland, UK, Ireland, Australia, USA, Norway, Denmark, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. Fields of teaching includes primarily the subjects of Human & Economic Geography, Political Science, and Social Science with topics such as; Regional Geography (Africa), Demography & Migration, Global Production & Trade, International Political Economy, Rural Development, Local Economic Development (LED), Tourism Geography, Development in Theory & Practice, Political Ecology, Theory & Methodology, Time Geography, European Politics, and Work Integrated Learning (WIL) I have over the years also gained extensive experience as Supervisor to Honours/Master/PhD projects at Institutions in Sweden (University West, Linköping University, Göteborg University), and South Africa (Rhodes University, University of the Western Cape - UWC). I have also been examiner committee member for PhD Degrees at various universities.