Camilla Seitl

UniversityUniversity West
DepartmentDepartment of Social and Behavioural Studies
KeywordsArbetsintegrerat lärande, informellt lärande, lärande i och inför arbete, lärande i sociala sammanhang, villkor för lärande, kompetens. Work-integrated learning, informal learning, learning in and before work, learning in social contexts, conditions for learning, competence.

Website University West, in Swedish
Website University West, in English
Networks/thematic areasCentre for Work and Employment Research Centre (WE)
SDG:s4. Quality education, 5. Gender equality, 10. Reduced inequalities, 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Reasearch / work
Knowledge, competence and learning in work. I am interested in how adults learn in social contexts and how conditions, such as organizational conditions, shape this learning at work and in future tasks.