Mathias Zannakis

UniversityUniversity West
DepartmentDepartment of Social and Behavioural Studies
KeywordsHållbar utveckling, miljöpolitik, miljödiskurser, politiska institutioner, flernivåstyrning/multi level governance, miljöattityder, miljöbeteende, skolorganisering, samhällskunskapsdidaktik, Sustainable development, environmental politics, environmental discourses, political institutions, multi-level governance, environmental attitudes, environmental behavior, school organization, the didactics of the social science subjects.

Website University West, in Swedish
Website University West, in English
Networks/thematic areas
SDG:s4. Quality education, 13. Climate action, 14. Life below water
RegionsEurope and Central Asia

Reasearch / work
My main areas of interest concern the study of sustainability issues. More recently, I have been interested in didactic aspects of teaching about sustainable development, e.g., the tension between democracy and the advocacy of sustainable development. I am also interested in the study of school organizational aspects to promote teaching about sustainable development. I have previously also studied, for example, the organization and interpretation of environmental problems by political actors and political institutions and their own responsibility for managing them, the relationship between individuals' environmental behavior and politics and administration at different levels, but also more psychological factors of importance for people's environmental attitudes and behavior.