Laurence Piper

UniversityUniversity West
DepartmentThe School of Business, Economics and IT
Keywordscitizenship, democracy, urban governance, work-integrated learning

Website University West, in Swedish
Website University West, in English
Networks/thematic areasSustanable Urban Development
SDG:s4. Quality education, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 17. Partnerships for the goals
RegionsEurope and Central Asia, North America, Sub-Saharan Africa
CountrySouth Africa, Canada, United Kingdom

Reasearch / work
Laurence Piper is a Political Scientist at University West, Sweden and the University of the Western Cape, South Africa, interested in urban governance, democracy, and informality. His latest book is 'Democracy Disconnected: Participation and Governance in a City of the South', Routledge, 2019, with Professor Fiona Anciano. He is a former President of the South African Association of Political Studies (SAAPS) 2016-8, and the new Editor-in-chief of the journal Theoria. More recent research is on work-inegrated learning, political science and critical theory.