Lisa Bomble

UniversityUniversity West
DepartmentThe School of Business, Economics and IT
Keywordsmedskapande, samhällsplanering, hållbarhet, samverkan, lokalsamhälle, co-creation, urban planning, spatial planning, societal planning, sustainability, collaboration, community, collaborative planning

Website University West, in Swedish
Website University West, in English
Networks/thematic areasGlobal perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries, Sustanable Urban Development
SDG:s10. Reduced inequalities, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Reasearch / work
I work with, research and teach about sustainable development and challenge driven co-creational collaborations in societal planning, mostly in a Swedish municipal context and scale. My special interests focus on how the collaborations actually work with aims towards establishing co-creational cultures.