Janina Konarska

UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg
DepartmentEarth sciences
DivisionAtmospheric science
Keywordsurban climatology; stadsklimatologi; urban trees; urbana träd, urban greenery; urban grönska; ecosystem services; ekosystemtjänster; GIS

Website University of Gothenburg, in Swedish www.gu.se/om-universitetet/hitta-person/janinakonarska
Website University of Gothenburg, in English www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/janinakonarska
Networks/thematic areasGothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC), Sustanable Urban Development
SDG:s11. Sustainable cities and communities
RegionsEast Asia and Pacific
CountryAustralia, Australien

Reasearch / work