University | Chalmers University of Technology |
Department | Technology management and economics |
Division | Logistics and transportation |
PhD student |
Keywords | urban freight transport, liveable streets, freight parking, urban freight electrification, urbana godstransporter, beboeliga gator, godsparkering, urban godselektrifiering |
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish |
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English |
Networks/thematic areas | Sustanable Urban Development |
SDG:s | 11. Sustainable cities and communities |
Regions | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Country | Colombia |
Reasearch / work |
Doctoral student at the Service Management and Logistics division, Department of Technology Management and Economics. My research topic is on urban freight transport, specifically identifying liveability issues, challenges, and possible solutions in managing freight parking and charging under electrification scenarios on the urban curbside. |