University | Chalmers University of Technology |
Department | Space, Earth and Environment |
Division | |
PhD student |
Keywords | energisystem, modeller, lärkurvor, erfarenhetskurvor, solceller, energy systems, models, learning curves, experience curves,
photovoltaics |
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish |
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English |
Networks/thematic areas | |
SDG:s | |
Regions | |
Country | |
Reasearch / work |
The purpose of the research project is to introduce learning curves into
energy systems models. A learning curve or experience curve is an
empirically well-supported relation of how technology investment costs
are expected to decline with increased experience of production. Todays
energy systems models feature exogenously determined investment costs
and can seriously underestimate the emergence of new technologies such
as photovoltaics. The new model is applied in studies of the
introduction of new energy technologies into the global energy system
and into the Swedish energy system. |