Elisabeth Punzi

UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg
DepartmentSocial work
Keywordspsykisk ohälsa, missbruk, migration, person-centrerade insatser, socialt arbete, psykologi, psykiatri, kreativa aktiviteter, kulturarv, kritiska perspektiv mental distress, substance abuse, migration, person-centred interventions,social work, psychology, psychiatry, creative activities, heritage, critical perspectives

Website University of Gothenburg, in Swedish www.gu.se/om-universitetet/hitta-person/elisabethpunzi
Website University of Gothenburg, in English www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/elisabethpunzi
Networks/thematic areasGlobal perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries
SDG:s3. Good health and wellbeing, 5. Gender equality, 10. Reduced inequalities, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
RegionsEast Asia and Pacific , Europe and Central Asia, North America
CountryTyskland, Österrike, Storbritannien, Italien, Australien, Kanada, USA

Reasearch / work
Person-centered interventions for people with mental distress and/or substance abuse problems as well as people with a migration background. Significance of spaces, cultural heritage and creative activities for health and well-being of the above-mentioned groups.