Keywords | Etik, Försiktighetsprincipen, Hållbar utveckling, Miljöetik, Miljöfilosofi,
Riskvärdering, antibiotikaresistens, Keywords
Environmental ethics, Environmental philsophy, Ethics, Precautionary
principle, Risk evaluation, Sustainable development |
1. Research: Philosophical and ethical aspects of human impact on the
natural environment. At present with particular focus on ethical assesment
of environmental risks in connection to the precautionary principle within
the project "Nature and precaution", of which I am also the leader.
2. Teaching: Director of the internet-based distance-course in
environmental philosophy, "Natur, tillväxt, framsteg" (nature, growth,
3. Supervisor of Ph.D.-student Petra Andersson, whose subject is within the
field of environmental philosophy. |