Sesha Raghavan

UniversityChalmers University of Technology
DepartmentTechnology management and economics
DivisionEnvironmental Systems Analysis
KeywordsElektromobilitet, teknoekonomiska bedömningar, LCA, växthusgas reducering, elektrisk kraft-transport interaktion, kvantitativ policyanalys ; Electromobility, technoeconomic analysis, LCA, GHG mitigation, electric power-transport interaction, quantitative policy analysis

Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English
Networks/thematic areasGothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC), Global perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries, Sustanable Urban Development
SDG:s7. Affordable and clean energy, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 13. Climate action

Reasearch / work
My research focuses on the life cycle environmental implications of the ongoing trends in automotive electrification and its supporting ecosystem. Specifically metal and critical raw materials necessary to realize large scale adoption of zero emission vehicles and also the possibility of supply chain bottlenecks. My background in in electrical and electronics engineering. I completed my PhD in transportation technology and policy.