Emilio Brandao

UniversityChalmers University of Technology
DepartmentArchitecture and Civil Engineering
DivisionUrban Design and Planning
KeywordsReality Studio, Social Inclusion, co-creation, participation, architecture, urban design, multiple stakeholders, Million Homes Programme, justice

Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish www.chalmers.se/personer/brandao
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English www.chalmers.se/en/persons/brandao
Networks/thematic areasGlobal perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries, Sustanable Urban Development

Reasearch / work
Director of master’s programme Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability (MPDSD). Emilio is teacher, examiner and course responsible in several courses, mainly at the MPDSD. He focuses on social sustainability, co-creation and participation, building on several years of architectural practice experience and engagement in Architects Without Borders (ASF-Sweden and ASF-International). Each year he also examines and supervises several masters theses within MPDSD. Emilio also represents Chalmers at different collaborative and research projects such as Mellanrum, the platform Lärandets Torg in Hammarkullen Gothenburg - a project financed by the European Social Fund, and the research project Stitching the city: From micro-data to macro-views, together with University of Pretoria, South Africa.