Alyssa Joyce

UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg
DepartmentMarine Sciences
Keywordscircular bioeconomy, food system innovation, nutrient re-use in fish farming and agriculture, food security and food equity, hidden hunger, sustainability, overfishing, reef conservation, sustainable aquatic resource management.

Website University of Gothenburg, in Swedish
Website University of Gothenburg, in English
Networks/thematic areasGlobal perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries, Sustanable Urban Development
SDG:s1. No poverty, 2. Zero hunger, 3. Good health and wellbeing, 5. Gender equality, 6. Clean water and sanitation, 7. Affordable and clean energy, 8. Decent work and economic growth, 9. Industry, innovation and infrastruture, 10. Reduced inequalities, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 12. Responsible consumption and production, 13. Climate action, 14. Life below water, 15. Life on land, 17. Partnerships for the goals
RegionsEast Asia and Pacific , Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
CountryColombia, Ecuador, Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Namibia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Uganda, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Zimbabwe

Reasearch / work
International Project Lead on the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET-Cofund Food Systems and Climate (FOSC) 'Integrated aquaculture and agriculture for resource-efficient food production' Project lead, Swedish International Development Agency / Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet 'Capacity building for aquaculture diversity and development: Increasing food security by improving resilience and productivity of smallholder aquaculture in the face of global change' Project partner in the EU funded project PrAEctiCE 'Agro-ecological practices in East Africa with a focus on circular water-energy-nutrient systems' Project partner in the Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association (WIOMSA) MASMA 'Optimizing Artemia Production Technology for Sustainable Aquaculture Development: Food Security and Economic Growth for the East African Coastal Communities' International Project Lead on the Belmont Forum Sustainable Production and Consumption project 'Integrating circular bioeconomy principles for food production' Co-lead on the Future Earth PEGASuS 3 'Resource Recovery at the Food-Water-Energy Nexus' Lead on the EU ERA-NET 'Sustainable Urban Growth Initiatives: Integrated agri-aqua food production systems'