Martin Hultman

UniversityChalmers University of Technology
DepartmentTechnology management and economics
DivisionScience, Technology and Society

Website Chalmers University of Technology, in Swedish
Website Chalmers University of Technology, in English
Networks/thematic areas

Reasearch / work
Why don't we act when we have known the challenges of climate change for over thirty years? Such are the questions Hultman deal with in his research when doing in-depth empirical studies analysed from an inter-disciplinary knowledge base. Hultman is widely published in energy, climate and environmental issues in journals such as Environmental Humanities, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, History & Technology, and Hydrogen Energy. Especially notable are the articles ‘The Making of an Environmental Hero: A History of Ecomodern Masculinity, Fuel Cells and Arnold Schwarzenegger’ and ‘A green fatwā? Climate change as a threat to the masculinity of industrial modernity’ then the books Discourses of Global Climate Change and Ecological Masculinities. As part of his academic work he publish chronicles in a wide range of newspapers and give public lectures commenting on contemporary politics. Hultman leads three research groups analyzing ‘gender and energy’, ‘ecopreneurship in circular economies’ and ‘climate change denial’. Hultman lead Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denial (CEFORCED) and is part of the leadership team for the international research program "Empowering all. Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy".