University | Chalmers University of Technology |
Department | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
Division | Nuclear chemistry |
PhD student |
Keywords | Kemi, kärnavfall, industriellt avfall,hållbar avfallshantering, återvinning, Chemistry, nuclear waste, industrial waste, sustainable waste treatment, recycling |
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Reasearch / work |
The focus of my research is on used nuclear fuel. Used nuclear fuel is dangerous for mankind and its environment for a long time. If, however, the longlived, radiotoxic actinoides could be transmuted into less radiotoxic, or stable nuclides the radiotoxicity could be reduced. But, before a transmutation is possible the actinoides need to be separated from the rest of the fuel. This separation can be achieved through solvent extraction. It is in the area of these two phase systems, water-oil, Elin is working. The main focus is the effects of various organic diluents on the extraction. |