Håkan Pleijel

HögskolaGöteborgs Universitet
InstitutionBiologi och miljövetenskap
SökordOzon, ozonupptag, kritisk nivå, grödor, lavar, koldioxid, mikrometeorologi, kväve, bioindikation, dos-respons-samband, Ozone, ozone uptake, critical level, crops, lichens, carbon dioxide, micrometeorology, nitrogen, bioindication, dose-response relationship

Hemsida Göteborgs Universitet, på svenska www.gu.se/om-universitetet/hitta-person/hakanpleijel
Hemsida Göteborgs Universitet, på engelska www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/hakanpleijel
Nätverk/temaområdenGöteborgs luft- och klimatnätverk, GAC , Hållbar stadsutveckling
Globala målen

Forskning / verksamhet
Min forskning handlar i första hand om luftföroreningars effekter på växter. Tyngdpunkten ligger på effekter av ozon på jordbruksgrödor, men jag har även sysslat med påverkan av koldioxid och andra föroreningars på växter. Förutom jordbruksgrödor har jag även sysslat med effekter av föroreningar på vilda örter och gräs samt lavar. Ett viktigt mål med den ozonforskning jag bedriver är att identifiera dos-respons-samband mellan ozonupptag och effekter samt att formulera så kallade kritiska nivåer för ozon, en typ av gränsvärden som används i det europeiska luftvårdssamarbetet. Här spelar uppskattning av ozonupptag genom mikrometeorologiska och ekofysiologiska metoder en viktig roll. I forskningen ingår också en del mer grundläggande studier av växters, i synnerhet grödors, ekofysiologi. Här ingår studier av vilka faktorer som styr ackumulation av kväve, kolhydrater och andra komponenter i olika delar av växten. Bioindikation för förhöjda ozonhalter med hjälp av känsliga växter utgör ytterligare en del av in forskning. Publikationslista Peer reviewed scientific publications: 1 Pleijel, H., Skärby, L., Wallin, G. & Selldén, G. (1991). Yield and grain quality of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Drabant) exposed to different concentrations of ozone in open-top chambers. Environmental Pollution, 69, 151-168. 2 Pleijel, H., Skärby, L., Ojanperä, K. & Selldén, G. (1992). Yield and quality of spring barley, Hordeum vulgare L., exposed to different concentrations of ozone in open-top chambers. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 38, 21-29. 3 Ojanperä, K., Sutinen, S., Pleijel, H. & Selldén, G. (1992). Exposure of spring wheat, Triticum aestivum L., cv. Drabant, to different concentrations of ozone in open-top chambers: effects on the ultrastructure of flag leaf cells. New Phytol., 120, 39-48. 4 Selldén, G. & Pleijel, H. (1993). Influence of atmospheric ozone on agricultural crops. International Crop Science 1, 315-319. 5 Pleijel, H., Skärby, L., Ojanperä, K. & Selldén, G. (1994). Exposure of oats, Avena sativa L., to filtered and unfiltered air in open-top chambers: effects on grain yield and quality. Environmental Pollution 86, 129-134. 6 Pleijel, H., Ahlfors, A., Skärby, L., Pihl, G., Selldén, G. & Sjödin, Å. (1994). Effects of air pollutant emissions from a rural motorway on Petunia and Trifolium. Science of the Total Environment 146/147, 117-123. 7 Pleijel, H., Wallin, G., Karlsson, P. E., Skärby, L. & Selldén, G. (1994) Ozone deposition to an oat crop (Avena sativa L.) grown in open-top chambers and in the ambient air. Atmospheric Environment 28, 1971-1979. 8 Pihl Karlsson, G., Selldén, G., Skärby, L. & Pleijel, H. (1995). Clover as an indicator plant for phytotoxic ozone concentrations: visible injury in relation to species, leaf age and exposure dynamics. New Phytologist 129, 355-365. 9 Pihl Karlsson, G., Pleijel, H., Sild, E., Danielsson, H., Selldén, G., Ericson, L. & Skärby, L. (1995). Clover Sweden - a national three-year study of the effects of tropospheric ozone on Trifolium subterraneum L. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 1503-1508. 10 Pleijel, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Danielsson, H. & Selldén, G. (1995). Surface wetness enhances ozone deposition to a pasture canopy. Atmospheric Environment 29, 3391-3393. 11 Pleijel, H., Skärby, L., Wallin, G. & Selldén, G. (1995). A process-oriented explanation of the non-linear relationship between grain yield of wheat and ozone exposure. New Phytologist 131, 241-246. 12 Selldén, G. & Pleijel, H. Photochemical oxidant effects on vegetation. (1995) Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 111-122. 13 Sandelius, A. S., Larsson, K., Carlsson, A., Pleijel, H. & Selldén, G. (1995). Exposure of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Drabant) to ozone in open-top chambers. Effects on acyl lipid composition and chlorophyll content of flag leaves. New Phytologist 131, 231-239. 14 Pleijel, H., Wallin, G., Karlsson, P., Skärby, L. & Selldén, G. (1995). Gradients of ozone at a forest site and over a field crop- consequences for the AOT40 concept of critical level. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 2033-2038. 15 Pleijel, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Sild, E., Danielsson, H., Skärby, L. & Selldén G. (1996). Exposure of a grass-clover mixture to ozone in open-top chambers - effects on yield, quality and botanical composition. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 59, 55-62. 16 Pleijel, H., Wallin, G., Karlsson, P. & Skärby, L. (1996). Ozone gradients in a spruce forest stand in relation to wind speed and time of the day. Atmospheric Environment 30, 4077-4084. 17 Pleijel, H. (1997). A suggestion of a simple transfer function for the use of ozone monitoring data in dose-response relationships obtained using open-top chambers. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 102, 61-74. 18 Pleijel, H. & Danielsson, H. (1997). Growth of 27 Swedish native herbs and grasses in relation to ozone exposure. New Phytologist 135, 361-367. 19 Pleijel, H., Ojanperä, K. & Mortensen, L. (1997). Effects of tropospheric ozone on the yield and grain protein content of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Nordic countries. Acta Agric. Scand., Sect. B. Soil and Plant Sci. 47, 20-25. 20 Pleijel, H., Ojanperä, K., Danielsson, H., Sild, E., Gelang, J., Wallin, G., Skärby, L. & Selldén, G. (1997). Effects of ozone on leaf senescence in spring wheat - possible consequences for grain yield. Phyton 37, 227-232. 21 Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Gelang, J, Sild, E. & Selldén, G. (1998). Growth stage dependence of the grain yield response to ozone in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 70, 61-68. 22 Pleijel, H., Mortensen, L., Fuhrer, J., Ojanperä, K. & Danielsson, H. Grain protein accumulation in relation to grain yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in open-top chambers with different concentrations of ozone, carbon dioxide and water availability. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Envionment 72, 265-270. 23 Pleijel, H., Sild, J., Danielsson, H. and Klemedtsson, L. (1998). Nitrous oxide emissions from a wheat field in response to elevated carbon dioxide concentration and open-top chamber enclosure. Environmental Pollution 102, S1 167-171. 24 Pleijel, H., Almbring Norberg, P., Selldén, G. & Skärby, L. (1999) Tropospheric ozone decreases biomass production in radish plants (Raphanus sativus L., cv. Cherry Belle) grown in rural south-west Sweden. Environmental Pollution 106, 143-147. 25 Ewert, F. & Pleijel, H. (1999) Phenological development, leaf emergence, tillering and leaf area index and duration of spring wheat cv. Minaret across Europe in response to CO2 and ozone. European Journal of Agronomy 10, 171-184. 26 Sild, E., Pleijel, H. & Selldén, G. (1999). Ozone injury in subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum L., in relation to developmental stage and light conditions during exposure. New Phytologist 143, 315-321. 27 Danielsson, H., Gelang, J. & Pleijel, H. (1999). Growth, flower development and ozone sensitivity in Phleum genotypes of different geographic origin in Scandinavia. Environmental and Experimental Botany 42, 41-49. 28 Sild, E., Younis, S., Pleijel, H. & Selldén, G. (1999). Effects of long-term CO2 enrichment on non-structural carbohydrates in leaves, stems and ears of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during plant development. Physiologia Plantarum 107, 60-67. 29 Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Gelang, J., Karlsson, P. E. & Selldén, G. (2000). An ozone flux-response relationship for wheat. Environmental Pollution 109, 453-462. 30 Pleijel, H., Gelang, J., Danielsson, H., Younis, S., Karlsson, P. E., Wallin, G., Skärby, L. & Selldén, G. (1999). Effects of elevated carbon dioxide, ozone and water availability on spring wheat growth and yield. Physiologia Plantarum 108, 61-70. 31 Soja, G., Barnes, J., Posch, M., Vandermeiren, K., Pleijel, H. & Mills, G. (2000). Phenolgical weighting of ozone exposures in the calculation of critical levels for wheat, bean and plantain. Environmental Pollution 109, 517-524. 32 Karlsson, P. E., Pleijel, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Medin, E. L. & Skärby, L. (2000). Simulations of stomatal conductance and ozone uptake to Norway spruce saplings in open-top chambers. Environmental Pollution 109, 443-452. 33 Gelang, J., Pleijel, H., Sild, E., Danielsson, H., Younis, S. & Selldén, G. (2000). Rate and duration of grain filling in relation to flag leaf senescence and grain yield in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) exposed to different concentrations of ozone. Physiologia Plantarum 110, 366-375. 34 Wallin, G., Karlsson, P. E., Selldén, G., Ottosson, S., Medin, E.-L. Pleijel, H. & Skärby, L. Impact of four years exposure to different levels of ozone phosphorus and drought on stem volume, chlorophyll and mineral nutrients of Norway spruce, Picea abies. Accepted for publication in Physiologia Plantarum (condition: revision). 35 Gelang, J., Selldén, G., Younis, S. & Pleijel, H. Effects of ozone on biomass, non-structural carbohydrates and nitrogen in spring wheat with artificially manipulated source/sink ratio. Accepted for publication in Environmental and Experimental Botany. 36 Sild, E., Pleijel, H. & Selldén, G. Effects of ozone on non-structural carbohydrates in leaves, stems and ears of spring wheat. Accepted for publication in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Condition: moderate revision). 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