Join the network

The research network for sustainable development is open to all researchers and teaching staff who are employed at Chalmers, University of Gothenburg or University West. Since 2024 the network is administrated by Wexsus, West Sweden Nexsus for Sustainable Development.

As a member of the research network, you will receive newsletters from Wexsus some which are tailored for you as a member only. Furthermore you get a personal page in this searchable web-based database with information about your research area and link to your website, which you can update your self.

When you register as a member you can also choose one or more thematic research networks (Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC), and The Work and Employment Research Centre (WE)) or areas of interest (sustainable urban development and global perspectives with focus on low and middle income countries) that you want to be associated with. For more information, please contact network manager Caroline Petersson at caroline.petersson(at)

If you are not a researcher, teacher or doctoral student at Chalmers, University of Gothenburg or University West, please visit to learn more how to get involved.

First name *

Surname *


Academic title

Employer *

E-mail *

Personal swedish website at the university *

Personal english website at the university *

Describe your research

Keywords (write keywords and separate with comma)

Networks/thematic areas

Does your research contribute with knowledge to any of the Sustainable Development Development Goals (SDG:s)? Select one or more *

Do you have research collaborations in any of the following regions? Select one or more *